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out city created, a nd car e masses life, focus w ork, in-depth i nvestigation, more out boutique masterpiece , makes we of resear ch results more to i nto led of deci sion visi on, more t o in nati onal some has effect of new spa per Sha ng published, for advance work , and publicity cha ngde play due of role. Third, i nformation submitt ed to be pragmati c. Quick a nd timel y. The ancients said: for t he time system; statement back for the time being , nothing. T herefore, t he submissi on of information t o do four, that is, find t he pr oblem faster, e ditorial writi ng, se nd a nd rea d faster appr oval and feedba ck to implement quickl y. To be tr ue and accurate. True mainly reflect the full pict ure of event s, one is one, two, this i s the life of the informati on. A ccuracy is primarily qualitative and quantitative questions, qua ntitative objective of publi cQualitative l ogic. o be reliabl e and useful. We submit informa tion to hav e access to decision-maki ng, to g uide a nd promote the work a nd solve pra ctical probl ems. Mixed cum. On the negative informati on and emergency information, rapi d escalation in stri ct accorda nce with the procedures, firm,
newspape r, ne wspa pers, never late, fail to re port, false claim a nd skimmi ng. Investe e 2. supervision and insist on, around and pr otecti ng their intere sts to touch the tr uth, seek pra ctical results. A dhere to people-oriente d, the m ost important thi ng is to reali ze, safeguard and develop the fundame ntal interests of the overw helming majorit y of the people. We carry out i nspecti on, so must g o dee p among the masses, g o de ep int o the realitie s, always pay attention to th e people s liveli hood, to gra sp the publi c sentime nt, and ear nestly safeguar d the benefit, a ddressing t he masse s are most concerne d about a nd reflecti ng the strongest i ssues, efforts to solve the problem of decisions impleme nted a nd not impleme nted. One is to sti ck to principles. Right of