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(完整word版)中英文版施工合同示范文本 Construction Contract 工程合同 PO No.: XXXXXXX Buyer:. Date of signature: 甲方:签约日期: Seller: 乙方: This Purchase Order is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller: Whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 甲乙双方经友好协商,全都就供给以下产品,达成如下条款: 1. Scope of Supply and Price 工作范围及价格明细 2. Technical Requirement, Quality Requirement, Standard Warranty Period: Seller shall carried out the construction in strict accordance with the National Standard and the requirements stipulated in the Technical Agreement No. ________which both party signed (see attached documents). The warranty period shall be 1 year after placement of Goods in service. 技术要求、质量要求、技术标准和质保期限: 按国家标准和双方签定的技术协议〔编号:______见附件〕施工,质保期为投产后1年。 3. Job Sites: 施工地点: 4. Construction Equipment, Tools Field Personnel Management: 施工设备工具及现场人员管理: (1) All the construction equipment and tools shall be provided by Seller. 全部施工用设备及工具由乙方自带。 (2) Buyer will coordinate and arrange the electricity and water supply on the site. 现场施工用水电由甲方协调支配。 (3) Buyer will be responsible for all the lifting work during the construction on site. 现场施工过程中的吊装工作由甲方负责。 (4) Seller shall be responsible for the management of its field personnel safety; Seller should provide reasonable protection and insurance for its personnel’s safety. All the personnel injury and property damage caused by Seller’s failure of management shall be borne by Seller. 现场施工人员管理由乙方负责。乙方应对人员的平安等方面供应合理的保障,由于乙方管理缘由造成的人身伤亡及财产损失由乙方担当。 5. Construction Time, delay and Postpone 合同工期、工期延误、工期顺延: (1) Buyer shall issue a Notice to Seller about the construction one week prior the date of the construction start. 甲方提早一周通知乙方施工时间。 (2) Construction period will be 15 days from the date of issuance of the order to commence the construction from Buyer. 自甲方发出开工令之日算起,工程工期15天。 (3) Construction period may be postponed as Buyer agreed after he certified that the delay not caused by Seller. 非



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