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(完整word版)商务合同的翻译练习一参考译文 商务合同的翻译练习一参考译文 一、商务合同的根本概念、分类与构造 1. 概念 2. 分类 3. 构造 二、合同英语的词汇特点及翻译策略 1. 用词专业,具有法律意味: 〔1〕依据不同的专业来确定词义 例1: a. The premium rates vary with differed interests insured. ______________ b. If the buyer fails to pay any account when due, the buyer shall be liable to pay the seller overdue interest on such unpaid amount. _________________ c. The articles of our immediate interest are your Agricultural Washing Machines. _______ 析:a. 出自保险业,意思“被保险的货物〞;b. 源于国际贸易,意思是“一方由于未能支付到期的应付款项而向另一方支付的过期利息〞;c. 属于营销业,应译为“对什么产品、品牌感爱好〞。 例2: Party B shall train Party A’s technical personnel so as to enable them to master Party B’s design, mould design, performance test and technology in machining, erection and inspection of the contracted product, so that Party A can use the technical documents and know-how supplied by Party B to produce the same product and mould in Party A’s factory. 乙方须负责对甲方技术员进展培训,以便甲方受训人员把握合同产品的设计、模具设计、性能测试、加工工艺、装配工艺和质量检验技术,进而使甲方能利用乙方供应的技术资料和特地学问在甲方的厂内制造出一样的产品和模具。 析:此例中,原文的mould design, performance test, technology in machining, erection, inspection都可以称得上是术语,不行任凭翻译,这些都应选择符合语境的技术术语译文。 〔2〕留意合同本身的术语〔合同用语〕: Rights and obligations 权利和义务 Arbitration 仲裁 Termination 终止 Force majeure 不行抗力 Jurisdiction 管辖 Undersigned 签署人 In default of 因没有 Both parties to the contract 合同双方 Breaching party 违约方 Observant party/non-breaching party 守约方 Liability for breach of the contract 违约责任 Constitute 构成 Damages 赔偿金 在翻译中,要对这些词语在一般文体中和在法律文体中的意义进展区分。 例词一般文体法律文体 Counterpart 极相像的人或物,对手,对方有同等效力的副本 Limitation 限制时效 Prejudice 偏见损害 Royalty 皇室、王权特许权用法费,版税 Negligence 忽略过失 Assign 安排,指派转让〔合同〕等 2. 用词正式 〔1〕特地的套语和习语 商务合同的英语翻译应留意用法译语中特地的套语和习语,要求地道正式,避开用法口语词汇。 如: 正式一般中文 In effect in fact 事实上 Cease to do stop to do 停顿 Prior to before 在…之前 Commencement start, begin 开头 Miscellaneous other matters/events 其他事项 Deem think 认为 By virtue of because of 因为 as regards, concerning about 关于 pursuant to/in accordance with according to 依据,根据 as from from 自…日起 as of on 于…日 as per/in accordance with according to 根据


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