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Designing and Using Questionnaires common ways to get information literature searches talking with people focus groups personal interviews telephone surveys and mail surveys. Advantages of Written Questionnaires Questionnaires are very cost effective Questionnaires are easy to analyze Questionnaires are familiar to most people Questionnaires reduce bias Questionnaires are less intrusive than telephone or face-to-face surveys Disadvantages Of Written Questionnaires the possibility of low response rates the inability to probe responses By allowing frequent space for comments, the researcher can partially overcome this disadvantage Gestures and other visual cues are not available with written questionnaires the respondent may not be who you think it is questionnaires are simply not suited for some people Selecting Your Sample decide what kind of people to interview. Avoid a Biased Sample (English non-English majors) decide how many people you need to interview Quotas A Quota is a sample size for a sub-group. For example, men and women have somewhat different opinions in many areas. Questionnaire Design - General Considerations Well-defined goals are the best way to assure a good questionnaire design Formulate a plan for doing the statistical analysis during the design stage of the project Include other experts and relevant decision-makers in the questionnaire design process Use professional production methods for the questionnaire--either desktop publishing or typesetting and keylining Questionnaire Design - General Considerations Make the envelope unique Provide a well-written cover letter Provide incentives as a motivation for a properly completed questionnaire. Give your questionnaire a title that is short and meaningful to the respondent Keep your questionnaire short Include clear and concise instructions on how to complete the questionnaire If a questionnaire is more than a few pages and is held together by a staple,
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