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吴孟超院士简介 吴盂超, 中国科学院院十, 2005 年度国家最高科学技术进步奖获得者 , 我国肝癌研究的开创人之一e 生于福建闽清县 , 1940 年自马来西亚归国 吴教授 1949 年毕1lv.千同济大学医学院,他是海军军世大学(原第二军医大学)一级教授, 搏十生导师,一位杰出的医学科学家,中国肝胆外科的主要奠基人之一。 吴教授提出了“五川四段”的肝解剖学理论;建订了“常温下间歇肝门阻断 止血技术”,提供了纠正肝癌术后常见的致命性生化代谢紊乱的祈策略;提出了 “二期手术” 的概念, 为晚期肝癌开辟了一条祈的治疗途径 c 吴教授组建了国际 r大规模的肝脏外科专业研究 所, 牵头指导了一系列具有国际先进水平的基础研究工作,研制了细胞融合和双特异性单抗修饰两种肿瘤疫苗,发明了携带抗癌基因的增殖性病 毒载体等,研究结果发表在《科学》《肝病学》《肿瘤学》等杂志上 至今,吴盂超院十仍然致力于肝癌发病机制及肝癌医治方略的研究当中。 Introduction to Academician WU Mengchao Wu Mengchao, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, winner of the National Award of Science and Technology of China in 2005, a pioneer in chinese liver cancer research, was an overseas Chinese born in Minqing County, Fujian Province. He returned from Malaysia in 1940. Prof. Wu graduated from Tongji University School of Medicine in 1949, and is grade-one professor and PhD supervisor of the Second Military Medical University. He is known as the major founder ofliver surgery in China and an outstanding scientist of medicine. Prof. Wu proposed the anatomic idea of five lobes and four segments. To solve the challenging problem of hemorrhage in liver operations, he created the technique of intermittent occlusion of porta hepatis in normothern 廿 c condition. He set up a series of new strategies for correcting fatal disturbance of biochemical metabolism occurring perioperatively. He raised the concept of··two-stage operation, which opened up a new approach to the treatment of late-stage liver cancer. Prof. Wu has developed the current worlds medical center ofhepatobiliary surgery, and has been leading a series of basic studies of the world up-to-date level, including biopathologic study on liver cancer. His team also developed two vaccines, that is cell fusion vaccine and bi-specific monoclonal antibody modified vaccine, and created proliferative virus vectors carrying anti-cancer gene. The results of these studies are published in Science, Nature Medicine, Hepato/ogy, Oncogene, etc. Today, academician Wu


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