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销售合同书中英文范本 销售合同书 SALES CONTRACT 卖方: The Seller: 编号No: 买方: The buyer: 日期Date: 签订地Signed at: 买卖双方同意成交以下产品,订立条款如下:The undersigned Seller and Buyer have agreed to conclude the following transaction on terms and conditions as specified below: 6. 装运时间: TIME OF SHIPMENT: 装运口岸和目的港: PORT OF SHIPMENT DESTINATION 7.包装、装运标识:PACKING AND SHIPPING MARK: 8..PRICE价格 Subject to increase as provided in paragraph 7 on the reverse side hereof. 可根据本合同反面第七条规定上浮。 9.ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS附加条款规定 The additional terms and conditions on the reverse side hereof are part of this agreement as effectively as though they preceded the signatures of the parties. 合同反面的附加条款规定视为本合同不行分割的局部,效率等同当事人签名前所列条款。 10.PRICE INCREASE价格浮动 Seller may increase any price hereunder on the first day of any calendar quarter-yearly period by delivering or mailing written notice to Buyer at least 15 days prior to such day. Buyer, however, shall have the right to cancel the undelivered portion of the material to which such increase in price applies by delivering or mailing written notice to Seller prior to the date when such increase is to become effective. 卖方提价可以在每个季度的第一天进展,但至少应提早十五〔15〕天向买方提交或邮寄有关的书面通知。买方那么有权在涨价生效日之前向卖方提交或邮寄书面通知,取消涨价局部的订货。 11. TAX税收 In addition to the purchase price, Buyer shall pay Seller the amount of all governmental taxes, exercise and/or other charges (except taxes on or measured by net income) that Seller may be required to pay with respect to the production, sale or transportation of any material delivered hereunder, except where the law otherwise provided. 除买价外,买方还应当支付卖方因生产,销售或运输本合同有关商品而规定缴纳的全部政府税收,营业税和/或其他一切收费〔纯收入所得税除外〕,法律另有规定除外。 12.LOWER COMPETITIVE PRICE较低的竞争价格 If Buyer furnishes proof to Seller that Buyer can purchase from a manufacturer in any contract year any of the aforesaid materials produced within the United States, of the same quality, upon similar terms and conditions, in approximately the same quantity as the then undelivered quantity hereunder during such contract year, and



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