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7.rise to one’s feet站起身 典例链接: ①The student rose to his feet and asked his teacher a strange question. 那个学生站起来,问了老师一个奇怪的问题。 ②Mike leapt to his feet and ran towards the window. 迈克跳起身来,向窗口跑去。 ③The old man struggled to his feet,staggering out of the room. 这个老人努力地站起来,摇摇晃晃地走出了房间。 ④Sadness does not disappear overnight; it takes time to get back on one’s feet. 悲伤不是一夜之间就能消失不见的,重新振作起来需要时间。 ⑤Somebody may try to get you to smoke marijuana or drink, just to fit in with the crowd. But I hope you can stand on your own feet and say no. 有的人为了要你合群也许会劝你喝酒或吸毒。但是我希望你能够独立自主, 拒绝他们。 重点领悟 ①get/jump/leap to one’s feet站起来/跳起来 ②struggle to one’s feet挣扎着站起来 ③be on one’s feet站着; 坚强起来 ④stand on one’s own feet自立,经济上独立 8.If you go into a school or university anywhere, the chances are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo.如果你走进任何一个地方的中学或大学校园,都有可能看到身穿印有 那个熟悉标志的李宁运动服的学生们。 典例链接: ①I hope that they’ll arrive on time,but the chances are that they will be late as usual.我希望他们能够按时赶到,但他们很有可能 会像往常一样迟到。 ②There is no chance that he will change his mind. 他不可能改变主意。 ③After losing $20,000 on my last business venture, I’m not taking any chances this time.上次买卖我损失了两万美元,这次我再也不会冒任何 风险了。 ④They found these autobiographies by chance. 他们偶然发现了这些自传。 重点领悟 ①The chances are (that)...很可能……? ②There’s no chance that...不可能…… ③take a chance/take chances (on sth.)冒险/碰运气? ④seize/grasp a chance抓住机会 ⑤give/offer a chance给/提供机会 ⑥by chance碰巧 写作联想:典例①其他表达方式 ①I hope that they will arrive on time, but there is a possibility/ chance that they will be late as usual. ②I hope that they will arrive on time, but they are likely to be late as usual. ③I hope that they will arrive on time, but it is possible/likely that they will be late as usual. 基础知识·达标 细疏理·固双基 单 词 过 关 perform 1.    vi.表现 n.执行者;表演者 n.表现,表演 2. n.优势;长处 3. vi. vt.得分 scorer n. . scoreboard



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