【英语】Unit 1《Section Three Grammar》课件(人教版必修4)4.ppt

【英语】Unit 1《Section Three Grammar》课件(人教版必修4)4.ppt

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26.One third of the population here ________ workers. A. is B. have C. be D. are 27.Now the police ____ searching the town for the lost child. A. was B. were C. is D. are 28.Two of them will go first, the rest ______ to stay. A. is B. are C. has D. have 29.He was the one of the students who ______ praised at the meeting. A. was B. were C. is D. are D D D A 30.The scientist and professor ____ left for Russia. A. have B. has C. is D, are 31.Many a boy ______ made such a funny experiment. A. have B. are C. has D. is 32.Every means _______ been tried since then. A. has B. were C. was D. has been A C B Finish Exx. 1-2 on page 43. Learn to use the grammar freely to finish the exercises. Preview Reading II. Homework Unit 1 Women of achievement The boy _____ diving. They _____ diving. Both Jack and Tim _____ diving. All of them _____ diving. Neither Jack nor Tim _____ walking. is are are is are SubjectVerb Agreement 主谓一致 SubjectVerb Agreement 主谓一致是指句子的______ 与_____在_____和____上必须保持一致 主谓一致的三个原则: 1. 语法一致 2. 意义一致 3. 就近原则 谓语动词 主语 人称 数 一、语法一致的原则是指主语为单数或复数时,其谓语动词要与其相呼应。 二、意义一致的原则指谓语动词的单复数取决于主语所表达的概念,而不取决于表面的语法标志,主要表现为某些集体名词后可跟动词单数或复数。如果这些集体名词指整体概念时,谓语动词用单数;指具体成员时用复数。 三、就近原则是指谓语动词单复数取决于离它最近的词语,而无须考虑其他的词 例1 Not only I but Jane and Mary ______ tired of having one examination after another. A. is B. are C. am D. be 析: 由“or, either…or, neither…nor, not…but, not only… but also”连接两个并列主语时,动词与靠近的主语保持一致。 e.g. ______ you or he the teacher of English? Neither my sister nor my mother ______ present at the meeting. A. Are, was B. Is, were C. Are, are D. Is, is V B 例2 A library with five thousand books ______ to the nation as a gift. A. is offered B. has offered C. are offered D. have offered 析: 一般说来,主语后带有with, together with, as well as, including, but, rather than


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