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常 用 外 国 期 刊 名 全 称 和 缩 写 对 照
journal titles and abbreviations
acc. chem. res.
accounts of chemical research
ach - models chem.
ach - models in chemistry
aci mater. j.
aci materials journal
acs symp. ser.
acs symposium series
acta biochim. pol.
acta biochimica polonica
acta biotechnol.
acta biotechnologica
acta chem. scand.
acta chemica scandinavica
acta chim. sinica
acta chimica sinica
acta cienc. indica, chem.
acta cienceia indica chemistry
acta cienc. indica, phys.
acta ciencia indica phyics
acta crystallogr., sect. a: found. crystallogr.
acta crystallographica section a: foundations
acta crystallogr., sect. b: struct. sci
acta crystallographica section b: structural science
acta crystallogr., sect. c: cryst. struct. commun.
acta crystallographica section c: crystal structure communications
acta crystallogr., sect d: biol. crystallogr.
acta crystallographica section d: biological crystallography
acta crystallogr. sect. e: struct. rep. online
acta crystallographica section e structure reports online
acta hydroch. hydrob.
acta hydrochimica et hydrobiologica
acta mater.
acta materialia
acta metall.
acta metallurgica
acta phys. pol., a
acta physica polonica a
acta phys. pol., b
acta physica polonica b
acta polym.
acta polymerica
acta polytech. scand., chem. technol. ser
acta polytechnica scandinavica - chemical technology series
adhes. age
adhesives age
adsorpt. sci. technol.
adsorption science and technology
adv. appl. microbiol.
advances in applied microbiology
adv. at. mol. opt. phy.
advances in atomic molecular and optical physics
adv. biochem. eng./biotechnol.
advances in biochemical engineering / biotechnology
adv. carbohydr. chem. biochem.
advances in carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry
adv. chem. phys.
advances in chemical physics
adv. chem. ser.
advances in chemistry series
adv. chromatogr.
advances in chromatography
adv. colloid interface sci.