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First compli ance review of the applicati on of the a ppraisa l Committee, only t hroug h the com pliance review of the a ppli cation to take part i n a deta iled review. 8.1 a ppli cation com pliance review : does not meet one of the following conditions, procuratorial Ag ency o submit applicati on t hrough compliance review s, be invali dated: (1) applicati on of the formats, conte nts, meet the requirem ents of sele cted files, pow ers of Attorne y, declarati ons by the l egal representative and the te nder agent a ppli cation to meet the requirements; (2) li cence and a bidding age nt qualifications meet the requirements; (3) the similar pr oje ct tendering age ncy age nt number a nd provide proof of material com pliance; (4) the te ndering Age ncy inte nds to put int o this project the num ber of pr ofessionals t o meet the re quir ements; (5) are inte nde d to t he agent of the pr oje ct as a proje ct manager has simil ar proje cts the num ber of a nd references to me et the re quireme nts; (6) no fraud ca se. 8.2 applicati on revi ew in detail t he Evaluation Committee through complia nce reviews will be sele cted for detailed review of the applicati on. 8.2.1 tender age nt instit utions similar proje ct tender performa nce re quireme nts (16 points) tender age nt instit utions similar proje ct tender performa nce 16 points, by two part com position (1) agent similar project of cumulative bid am ount scored calculation rule s for: Agent water proje ct bi d amount (on January 1, 2007 ha s has bid noti ce for associate) cumulative e ach reached 100 million Yua n have 2 poi nts, water proje ct cumulative bi d amount score d up not over 6 points. In a dditi on, com pletes a bid w orth more t han 500 million yua n in total 1 minute, but other items score accumulate d winning amount up to a maximum of 6 poi nts. (2) calculation rule for t he number of agents similar proje cts: proxy bi d amount (since January 1, 2007 wi nni ng noti ce shall preva il


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