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焊接专业英语词汇(共 10 部分) 焊接专业英语词汇(共 10 部分) 1、熔化焊 熔接 fusion welding 压接 pressure welding 焊接过程 welding process 焊接技术 welding technique 焊接工艺 welding technology/procedure 焊接操作 welding operation 焊接顺序 welding sequence 焊接方向 direction of welding 焊接位置 welding position 熔敷顺序 build-up sequence/deposition sequence 焊缝倾角 weld slope/inclination of weld axis 焊缝转角 weld rotation/angle of rotation 平焊位置 flat position of welding 横焊位置 horizontal position of welding 立焊位置 vertical position of welding 仰焊位置 overhead position of welding 平焊 downhand welding/flat position welding 横焊 horizontal position welding 立焊 vertical position welding 仰焊 overhead position welding 全位置焊 all position welding :熔焊时,焊件接逢所处空间位置包括平焊、横焊、仰焊等位置所进行的焊接。如水平固定管所进行的环缝焊接 向下立焊 vertical down welding/downward welding in the vertical position 向上立焊 vertical up welding/upward welding in the vertical position 倾斜焊 inclined position welding 上坡焊 upward welding in the inclined position 下坡焊 downward welding in the inclined position 对接焊 butt welding 角焊 fillet welding 搭接焊 lap welding 船形焊 fillet welding in the downhand position/fillet welding in the flat position 平角焊 horizontal fillet welding 立角焊 fillet welding in the vertical position 仰角焊 fillet welding in the overhead position 坡口焊 groove welding I 形坡口对接焊 square butt welding 喇叭形坡口焊 flare groove welding 卷 边 焊 flanged edge welding 纵 缝 焊 接 welding of longitudinal seam 横 缝 焊 接 welding of transverse seam 环缝焊接 girth welding/ circumferential 螺旋缝焊接 welding of spiral seam/welding of helical seam 环缝对接焊 butt welding of circumferential seam 定位焊 tack welding 单面焊 welding by one side 双面焊 welding by both sides 单道焊 single pass welding/single run welding 多道焊 multi-pass welding 单层焊 single layer welding 多层焊 multi-layer welding 分段多层焊 block sequence/ block welding 分层多道焊 multi-layer and multi-pass welding 连 续 焊 continuous welding 断 续 焊 intermittent welding 打 底 焊 backing weld 封底焊 back sealing weld 盖面焊 cosmetic welding 深熔焊 deep penetration welding 摆动焊 welding with weaving/weave be


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