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女性性别歧视分析及对策 女性性别歧视分析及对策 PAGE PAGE 女性性别歧视分析及对策 当前我国劳动关系中的性别歧视问题及其对策分析 ——以对女性性别歧视为例 The current gender discrimination problems in labor relations and countermeasure analysis ——to female gender discrimination, for example 摘 要 在我国劳动关系中,对女性的就业性别歧视现象较为普遍,女性性别歧视既表现在就业机会的争取上,也表现为在就业后的各种歧视条款方面,而在职业待遇上,女性性别歧视也是客观存在,不过是以隐蔽性的形式出现。产生女性性别歧视的深层次原因,可从女性自身生理原因分析、传统文化偏见的影响,经济学原因分析和政府政策失灵四个方面去寻找和探究。解决我国劳动关系中女性性别歧视的对策,最重要的是要充分发挥政府的主导作用,努力转变企业的性别歧视倾向,解决女性生育成本社会化问题,充分发挥工会组织在和谐劳动关系中作用和完善平等就业的法律法规,加大执法力度,把女性所享有的男女平等的各项权利落到实处。 关键词:女性性别歧视;就业机会;职业待遇;经济学原因;女性生育成本社会化 Abstract In our labor relation, the employment of women was common gender discrimination, women sex discrimination in employment opportunities as well as for performance, also for all kinds of discrimination in employment terms after, while in professional treatment, the feminine gender discrimination is objective existence, but based on the form of concealment. Produce female gender discrimination, the deep reasons from women their own physical cause analysis, the influence of traditional cultural bias, economics cause analysis and government policy failure four aspects to find and explored. Solve the our country labor relations of female sex discrimination countermeasures, the most important thing is to give full play to the governments leading role, trying to change the gender discrimination tendencies, enterprise female fertility cost socialization problem solving, give full play to the trade union organization in harmonious labor relations role and perfect the equal employment laws and regulations, and intensify law enforcement, the women enjoy all the rights of equality between men and women into effect. Key words : Feminine gender discrimination; Employment opportunities; Professional treatment; Economic causes; Female fertility cost socialization PAGE 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 前 言 1 第一章 我国当前劳动关系中性别歧视的现状 2 就业机会中的性别歧视 3 就业后的歧视条款 3 职业待遇上的性别歧视 4 第二章 性别歧视产生的原因分析 7


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