高中英语_Like Father, Like Son教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

高中英语_Like Father, Like Son教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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教学设计 Unit 3 Family matters Like Father, Like Son Step1 Warming up Watch and think: Enjoy a video with the question: What does a family mean to Chinese people? Step2 Pre-reading Watch a video about “Ernesto de la Cruz”, which is a similar story to “Like Father, Like Son”, to lead into the passage. Step3 While-reading Activity1 Read the text of the play quickly and confirm: What conflict does the son have with his father? Activity2 Choose another suitable title for the play. 1.The Secret to a Happy Family 2. A Generation Gap 3. A Dream Job 4. Grandfather’ s Advice 5. My Career, My Choice Activity3 Learning to learn A play is a story performed on the stage. It is made up of settings, plot, characters, dialogue, actions. Activity4 Complete the notes on the PPT about the details of the play. Step4 Post-reading Draw a plot mountain of the story on the blackboard. According to the plot mountain, try to have a deeper understanding of the play. Step5 Role-Play Work in groups to make preparations for the performance and act out the play on the stage. Step6 ThinkShare Have a discussion in groups about the questions: What conflicts have you had with your parents? How did you solve them? school studies friendship troubles joining an after-school club getting a new hairstyle shopping for new clothes and shoes choosing your future area of study Summary:A father’s love can be compared to a mountain. Although we do not look at it every day, when you fall down, it’s just behind. Homework Continuation writing Write one paragraph about what will happen next. (Within 80 words) 学情分析 《英语课程标准》指出:“学生的发展是英语课程的出发点和归宿。”英语课程在目标设定、教学过程设计、课程评价和教学资源的开发等方面都应突出以学生为主体的思想。课程实施应成为学生在教师指导下构建知识、提高技能、磨砺意志、活跃思维、发展个性、发展心智和拓展视野的过程。 本课是高一上学期的课程,参与课堂的学生是武城二中的高一学生。他们思维敏捷,学风优良,积极进取,进入高中已有两个月的时间,已逐步适应了高中的学习与生活,词汇量也有一定程度的增加。这些学生对高中知识的求知欲强烈,学习能力和语言运用能力强,但他们的思维品质有待于进一步培养,文化意识有待于深层挖掘。本课是一篇戏剧,对学生的灵活运用和实践能力要求高,表演戏剧既是挑战又是机遇,可以激发他们的创造力,能促进小组的合作和自主探究,落实立德树人的根本任务。 效果分析 本节课立足于新课标,通过设计个人、小组、整体等不同的活动来培养英语学科的核心素养,课堂效果良好



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