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As with the NMOS/n-channel transistor, this PMOS transistor will show no conduction between the s-d regions because the gate has no charge on it. There is no electrical event of the proper polarity and magnitude necessary to create the field effect. Here the -.7 volts is enough voltage to create the field effect between the gate and the substrate. This results in positive hole charges being attracted to the gate oxide interface from the source, drain and substrate. This effect completes the circuit which allows the current to flow through the p-channel. 词语:通过 拼音:tōngguò 解释:通行;穿过。清容閎《西学东渐记》第十二章:“时值盛夏,河水乃乾浅。有数舟不能行,必掘深河底,乃得通过。”沈从文《从文自传·一个老战兵》:“过天桥时还得双眼向前平视,来回作正步通过。”管桦《暴风雨之夜》:“我们又在通过一片洼地,水从脚腕没到膝盖了。”议案等经过法定人数的同意而成立。燕谷老人《续孽海花》第四一回:“请唐先生宣布《保国会草章》,请蒞会诸君通过,以便进行。”李国文《改选》:“要没有意见,这名单就先用举手的方法通过了。”以人或事物为媒介或手段达到某种目的。赵家璧《编辑旧忆·为了出好书》:“他的一生,除了自己写书以外,更关心的是如何通过编书、出书,把有益于有助于革命的书,送到千千万万的读者手中去。”周而复《上海的早晨》第一部二:“通过汤阿英,还可以影响细纱间的女工。”征求有关的人或组织的同意或核准。蒋子龙《乔厂长上任记》:“冀申调动,没有通过局党委,你为什么放他走?” * 词语:诸如 拼音:zhūrú 解释:举例用语。放在所举的例子前面,表示不止一个例子。孙犁《澹定集·读作品记(二)》:“他写了木石之盟、金玉良缘以下的,诸如焙茗和万儿、秦锺和智能的爱情。” * In our next lesson we’ll discuss in greater detail how the two types of transistors are constructed on one substrate to produce another family of IC products known as CMOS. The C stands for complementary, referring to the fact that the product consists of each type of FET -- PMOS and NMOS. The p-well is an area in the n-type substrate that has been doped with p- boron in order to construct the NMOS transistor. The n- substrate automatically serves as the “n-well” for the PMOS transistor in this cross-section. Note the blue crosshatched areas of the cross-section. These areas are known as isolation areas made of silicon dioxide (SiO2, glass). The oxide (short for silicon dioxide) serves as an electrical insulator to isolate transistors from each other. What is the meaning of the “+” symbol in each of the source and drain areas of the transistors? The answer is “heavily doped areas”. These are areas in the s


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