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Unit 5 Story time;Look and say; Enjoy answer; Enjoy answer;Watch and discuss;Watch and answer;lets answer; Questions about jobs;Listen, match and make sentences;找出他们具体的工作内容短语。 Tip:默读课文,划出关键句,圈出关键词。;A. helps sick people;;Who;;Who;;D. teaches English ;; 主语是第三人称单数,后面的动词要加s或es。;Read the story; Mike: What does your father do, Su Hai? Su Hai: My father is a doctor. He helps sick people. Mike: That’s great! What does your mother do? Su Hai: My mother is a factory worker. She makes sweets. Mike: Oh, really? I like sweets! I eat a lot of sweets. ; 两人一组,选择一种喜欢的方式读课文。;;Read and judge;Ask and answer;Fill in the blanks ;Retell the story;;People work to make life better, so please respect every job.;Homework;Unit 5 Grammar time Checkout time;They sing happily.;;;A;Do a survey;;;;;Think and discuss;gives; 动词第三人称单数读音规则: (1)以清辅音结尾的读/s/, 如:takes, jumps (2)以浊辅音或元音结尾读/z/,如:plays, runs (3)以/t/结尾的读/ts/,如:writes, skates (4)以/d/结尾的读/dz/,如:reads (5) 以ch、sh、s、x和o结尾的加es读/Iz/,如:teaches;drink ________ go _______ make _____ help ________have_______ fly ____ watch_______ drive_______ cook______ study_______ do_____ teach_______;1. He often(常常) _____(have) dinner at home. 2. They _______(make) sweets in the factory. 3. Mike’s father is a teacher. He _______(teach) English every day. 4. The girl _______(cook) nice food for us. 5. She ________(watch) TV every evening. 6. What ______ (do) he do? He’s a doctor. He _______ (help) sick people. 7. He _______(do) his homework at 7pm.;;Homework;Unit 5 Sound time, Checkout time Ticking time; There was a farmer had a dog and BINGO was his name ho,B-I-N-G-O,B-I-N-G-O,B-I-N-G-O, and Bingo was his name, oh~~ There was a farmer had a dog and BINGO was his name ho, -I-N-G-O, -I-N-G-O, -I-N-G-O, and Bingo was his name, oh~~ There was a farmer had a dog and BINGO was his name ho, -N-G-O, N-G-O, N-G-O, and Bingo was his name, oh~~ ;e.g He saves(救) peop


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