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二 次 配 系 统 简 介 用心整理的精品 word 文档,下载即可编辑!! Secondary process system introduction Working characteristics 1. Wafer factory 2. Fab features and capabilities of the gas required 3. Chemical substances and their properties required for fab 4. Work contents 1. Wafer factory FAB is a modern plant producing chips, the main workplace for the cleanroom. Clean room is a constant temperature and humidity, temperature is 21 °c. Relative humidity 65%. Fab clean rooms divided into the diffusion zone (furnace batch), yellow, etching, thin film areas. 2. Fab features and functionality of the gas required Due to the manufacturing process on the need and use of many kinds of gases in semiconductor factories. We generally are based on gas properties to distinguish words. Specialty gases and gas can be divided into two broad categories. The former to use less gas. Such as SiH4 , and NF3 . Which use large amounts of gas. Such as N2, andCDA . Due to a larger amount; General gas often in bulk gas call. The Bulk Gas. Specialty gas -Specialty Gas. 2-1 Bulk GasIn the semiconductor manufacturing process, need to provide a variety of high purity gas used in pneumatic equipment power, chemicals or pressure medium is used as an inert environment, or take part in the reaction or to remove impurities, such as different functions. Because of increasingly sophisticated semiconductor production, its requests for gas purity is ever mentioned. Semiconductor factory will 精心整理,用心做精品 2 用心整理的精品 word 文档,下载即可编辑!! be briefly described below the general quality requirements and the necessary equipment for gas and its functions. 2-1-1Bulk gas products: Bulk gas Semiconductor plants can use, there are generally CDA 、 GN2 、 PN2 、 PAr 、 PO2 、 PH2 、 PHe 7 Species. 2-1-2 Bulk gas manufacturing: 1 CDA/ICA(Clean Dry Air) Clean, dry air. CDA Sources taken from the air compressed by compressor dehumidifier, then by a filter or activated carbon a


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