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李亚鹏写给王菲的信内容原文 篇一:王菲李亚鹏离婚事件speech Good morning, everyone! A few days ago , there was a piece of news that really shocked me. A famous couple of celebrities got divorced. Do you know who they are? Yes, they are Wang Fei and Li Yapeng On September the thirteenth, Wang Fei used her micro blog to announce the end of their eight years of marriage. Soon after that millions of fans reposted her micro blog announcement more than 100,000 times in the first hour. Later Li Yapeng confirmed the news on his micro blog, posting: I wanted a family, but you are a legend. I miss the good days we spent together over the past 10 years. Our destiny as husband and wife ends here. Im well. You take care, too. Their daughter Li Yan will live with him, and there are no disputes over property issues because they have remained financially independent since they got married in 2021. There has been a heated discussion about that, even many of my friends are talking about it. Some people support her. They think Wang Fei is an artist. She never hides her attitude towards love. They respect her decision and wish them happiness. While some people said, this can not be real, I won’t believe in love anymoreWell, I think we just don’t have to think so. Just take a look at the people around us , take a look at our parents . They are still living together and loving each other together. So we there’s no reason not to believe in love. 篇二:王菲40岁寿宴,李亚鹏秀名表 卡西欧手表: 李亚鹏戴名表达身王菲寿宴 王菲40岁寿宴,李亚鹏秀名表 王菲40岁寿宴上,许多人发觉李亚鹏显露出来在饭馆门跟前时始末手攥左手手腕子,然后才发觉攥的是刚才购入的名表?D?D 。 篇三:一手发特评:王菲李亚鹏离婚内幕――搞死李亚鹏! 一手发特评:王菲李亚鹏离婚内幕――搞死李亚鹏! 导语: 2021年9月13日19时30分王菲突然发布微博称:“这一世,夫妻缘尽至此。我还好,你也保重。”此言一出,四方震动,但仍有不少人怀疑这不是真的,仅仅是娱乐圈常见的“闹剧营销”。随后,李亚鹏发微博称“放手是我唯一所能为你做的”,正式宣告两人婚姻走到尽头。事实虽已板上钉钉,但网友仍然难以接受,纷纷大呼感觉不会再爱了!到底一直以来媒体及网友眼中的模范夫妻为什么突然会劳燕分飞呢?王菲李亚鹏离婚的原因是什么? 特邀评论员:国内知名新闻营销专家、一手发新闻营销机构高级顾问 何臻教授 王菲李亚鹏离婚引全球关注 说到“天后”一词,人们首先想到的是远去的邓丽君,其次就是王菲,再无他人!不管各大唱片公司和娱乐经纪公司如何包装自己旗下的艺人,到最后都是竹篮打水一场空。在人们的心里,当代的“天后”只


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