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First compli ance review of the application of the a pprai sal Committee, only t hroug h the compli ance review of the applicati on to take part i n a deta iled review. 8.1 applicati on compli ance review: doe s not meet one of the following conditions, procuratorial Age ncy to submit appli cation through compliance reviews, be invali dated: (1) applicati on of the formats, content s, meet the re quireme nts of sele cted files, powers of Attorne y, declarations by the legal re prese ntative and t he tender agent a ppli cation to meet the re quireme nts; (2) lice nce and a bidding age nt qualifications meet the requi rements; (3) the similar proje ct tendering age ncy age nt num ber and provi de proof of material complia nce ; (4) the tendering Agency inte nds to put into this pr oject t he number of pr ofessi onals t o meet the re quireme nts; (5) are inten ded t o the age nt of the pr oject a s a project manager has similar proje cts the number of and reference s to meet the re quireme nts; (6) no fraud ca se. 8.2 applicati on review i n detai the Evaluation Committee throug h compliance review s will be sel ected for detaile d review of the a ppli cation. 8.2.1 tender age nt instit utions similar proje ct tender performa nce re quireme nts (16 points) tender agent i nstituti ons similar pr oject te nder performance 16 poi nts, by tw o part compositi on (1) agent similar proje ct of cum ulative bi d amount scored calculation rule s for: Agent water proje ct bid amount (on Ja nuary 1, 2007 has ha s bi d noti ce for associate) cumulative each reached 100 million Yua n have 2 poi nts, water pr oje ct cum ulative bi d amount scored up not over 6 poi nts. In addition, com pletes a bid w orth more t han 500 million yua n in total 1 mi nute, but ot her items score a ccumulated winning amount up to a maximum of 6 point s. (2) calculation rule for the number of agent s similar pr oje cts: proxy bid am ount (since Ja nuary 1, 2007 wi nni ng n



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