
《Lesson 7 What is the meaning of life 教学难》教学设计教学目标.docVIP

《Lesson 7 What is the meaning of life 教学难》教学设计教学目标.doc

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微课“Lesson 7 What Is the meaning of life?” 难点突破”教学设计 学校名称 唐山市第七十六中学 课例名称 Lesson 7 What’s the meaning of life?” 难点突破 教师姓名 鲍洪涛 学段学科 初中英语 年级 九年级 教学 目标 冀教版九年级全一册Lesson 7 What Is the Meaning of Life? 的教学难点之一,是将一个关乎生命意义的大主题引入英语课堂,并引导学生联系实际自主探寻并最终领悟到自己作为普通人的生命的意义。这也是本课的情感态度目标。 本微课设计旨在突破这一教学难点。 教学 思路 方法 为了突破这一教学难点,我在引入和拓展升华两个环节进行了特别的设计。 首先,我以一段万众瞩目的“抗疫”主题的视频作为引入环节,一方面引导学生致敬抗疫英雄,另一方面旨在引出抗疫英雄们对自身生命意义的实现,从而引发学生对自身生命意义的思考。 其次,与引入环节相呼应,我在拓展升华环节,通过大量图片、歌曲、动画等学生喜闻乐见的形式,逐步引导学生联系自身实际探寻作为一个普通人如何实现生命的意义,最终得出To do every ordinary thing well makes life meaningful. 这一简单而深刻的结论,彰显普通人只要用心做好每一件平凡的小事就能够实现生命的意义的主题。 教学步骤: 步骤 教学内容 教学活动 活动目的 Step 1 Step 2 Leading in Expanding Hello, boys and girls! Today we’ll learn Lesson 7 What is the meaning of life?Before our class ,I have a question to ask you.Do you think what the most important thing is in 2020? And who is the great hero in 2020? Maybe our answers are different, or maybe our answers are the same. Let’s watch a short video first. (Play a video) T: Now what is the biggest thing in 2020?I think the biggest thing is Anti-epdemic War, which has a big influence on every person and every part of our lives.In this war, there are many heroes. I think the greatest hero is Dr ZhongNanshan, who is leading Chinese people in the fight against epidemic of Covid-19. He is a real hero. Dr Zhong has done great things for people, he made his life meaningful. What about us? What is the meaning of our lives? T: Well, class. We’ve known about the ideas of LiMing and WangMei. Can you tell me what the meaning of your life is? Maybe it is a big question and hard to answer. OK, let’s listen to a song Make the world better together, you may get some ideas . (Play a video of a song: Make the world better) OK, we know those people do many great things and they achieve their meaning of lives. While, we ordinary people may not do great things, but we can do many good things: We can offer seats to others, we can take care of the sick, we can pick up the rub


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