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“Force Majeure”一词来自于《法国民法典》第1148条,英文译为:“There is no occasion for damages where, in consequence of force majure or accident the debtor has been prevented from conveying or doing that to which he has obliged or has done what he was debarred from doing.” 第六十一页,共99页。 2. In that country, an ad valorem duty of five percent was imposed on all goods on importation. goods on importation = imported goods,进口货 译文:在那个国家,所有进口货物征收以5%的从价税。 注解:ad valorem duty(从价税),拉丁语外来词 从价税:按照进口商品的价格为标准计征的关税。 计算公式是: 税额=商品总值×从价税率。 第六十二页,共99页。 3. Their attitudes to China’s Communist Party vary widely, from enthusiastic support to overt opposition, with the majority accepting the status quo. 译文:他们对中国共产党的看法千差万别,有的衷心拥护,有的公开反对,大多数人则接受现状。 注解: status quo(现状),拉丁语外来词 4. He has already indicated that he believes the ceremony to be null and void. 译文:他早已发表看法:这场典礼是无效的。 注解:null and void(无效的),拉丁语外来词 第六十三页,共99页。 3)古体词的使用 在法律文件中,为了体现法律公文的规范性和约束力,常以here, there, where为词根,加上一个或几个介词构成的合成副词。 例如:herewith, hereunder, herein等 第六十四页,共99页。 1. The terms were specified hereunder. hereunder adv. 在此之下,在下面 译文:下面是具体条款。 2. The salary was eight dollars the 1st week and ten dollars thereafter. thereafter adv. 其后,从那以后 译文:第一周的薪水是八美元,此后每周十美元。 3. I shall discuss the question herein. herein adv. 由此处,在此处 译文:在这里,我将要讨论这个问题。 第六十五页,共99页。 3. 句法特点 1)多用介词或介词短语 为体现商务文体正规严肃的特点,常用in terms of, in regard to, in accordance with 等成语介词,而非against, concerning等普通介词 第六十六页,共99页。 1. The cost was calculated in terms of the current price. in terms of 依据,按照 译文:成本是以现在的价格计算的。 2. Most Chinese carmakers are years behind their western counterparts in terms of quality, technology and service. in terms of 在…方面,就…来说 译文:在质量、技术和服务方面,大多数中国汽车制造商仍落后西方同行多年。 第六十七页,共99页。 3. I will speak to the mayor in regard to city planning. in regard to 关于,对于,至于 译文:我要向市长就城市规划问题进言。 4. The Colleges are responsible for selecting students in accordance with University regulations. in accordance with 依照,与…一致 译文:院系可以根据大学的相关规定,自主招生工作。 第六十八页,共99页。 2)多


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