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* 辅音与辅音的连读 第一页,共41页。 试比较: break breakfast black blackboard suit suitcase post postcard hand handbag 第二页,共41页。 I want to eat. Sweet dreams. I like dumplings. In the morning , I eat breakfast. I’ll take twelve. They are my favorite color. My friends like donuts a lot. I want to play badminton. 第三页,共41页。 2.不完全爆破有6种情况: (1)爆破音 + 爆破音 即 [b] [p] [d] [t] [g] [k] 相邻时,前一个稍作停顿,不送气,后一个完全发音。 She took good care of the children. Ask Bob to sit behind me. big boy sharp pencil what time September goodbye 第四页,共41页。 (2)[t] [d] + 鼻音 [m] [n] [t] [d]在词尾需通过鼻腔爆破(如certain / hidden), 在词中或短语中则形成阻碍,不完全爆破: Good morning. good news take mine start now I don’t know midnight admit 第五页,共41页。 (3)[t] [d] + 舌边音 [l] [t] [d在词尾需由舌两侧爆破(如 little),在词中或短语中则形成不完全爆破: at last good luck straight line I’d like to. a bit louder friendly mostly 第六页,共41页。 (4)爆破音 + 破擦音 爆破音不完全爆破,破擦音完全发音。 great changes good jobs that child grandchild picture object 第七页,共41页。 (5)爆破音+ 摩擦音 [s] [z] [?] [? ][θ] [e] [f] [v] [h] 爆破音不完全爆破,摩擦音完全发音 We heard David sing last night. I’m convinced that Charlie has made the right choice. Keep silent a good zoo night show make sure get through just then old friends a good view success / bloodthirsty / advance 第八页,共41页。 /t/失去爆破 Not believe it Dialog: You may not believe it How long have you know each other? Over 10 years. You may not believe it, but I know her better than she knows herself. 第九页,共41页。 Sit down How did it go? What did you just say? Do you want to sit next to him? No, I don’t want to sit beside him. I hate to see him smoking. ? Do you think you could keep it down a little bit? I’m reading. Ok. Sorry. ? When did you two get married? October 1, 2005. That was happiest day of our lives. 第十页,共41页。 There are so many different kinds of fruit here. It takes about two hours to get there by train. She was nearly hit by a car. 第十一页,共41页。 (2) /d/失去爆破 good time Dialog: Have a
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