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侗麽史的文献 克里米斐聊合督明全文 中英文射照 THE CRIMEA STATEMENT (February 12, 1945) 关国新闻虞印行 竟里泉斐聊合聋明全文 Leaders of three great demcer^tic powert—Prttidenl Roosevelt iff the United States of A merica^ Prim。 Minier Chur chili of Great Britain and Premier Stalin of the Unio7i of Soviet Socialist Republics—met at Yalta^ a BlacR Sea coast resort tn tht C)imcan Penimularf through the eight days 。/ February 4 to zi t。agree upon plant for bringing t。a vietorious、end their common war against Nazi Germany and for firmly establishing democracy in a peeccjul 1. orld upoq the completion of that ,如The communique embodying these plans has been greeted throughout the United Nations and neutral countries as the most momentous and promisi^ document of raoaem times. It is co noosed of eight major points: Be 三大民里推困的偎袖——美利壑合浆就籍斯福 ?大不列踱首相邱吉闱,殊^埃祉畲主蔻共和围瞭邦人 厂 r z .1、 x y - \ v F v djv f 、H , 民委w#±t席史逐林一在二九四五年二月四日到十一 日的八犬中冏,相畲於克里米厩房黑海海岸一僧避憩 \ * -I . . ? dQ * 盛地雅两建。他仍决定了若干ff#J,以匝他阳举澹癖德 困的共同戟事遂到膳利煎纺束,业旃械争悠了之畤, 一涸和平世界裹坚定地把民主建立起京0 2括运些哉割 . \ \ .[■ 6e、,p— ? ? 13 | ? 征内的那福公幡,已受到所有聊合、回澜中立阈普辿也激 呼,都魅,是琨畤代臭鼠谊大和最令人鼓舞的文怂。它 包括八明耍益: z Complete destruction 0/ Nazism in 洲 s fomtt ..d institutions^ so this foe of pt^ce。成 d#morrrf anight never again,esurge? Coordination of military operations so tu to bring and rnorg powerful blowi against Germany. Tha occupation and control of Germany^ A” . ^9 feat, by the United States, Britain^ the Scviet Union ”4 France under The overall supervision of a control 9 commission. A decision to exact mpsion payments in 卬nd fr9m Germany for the damage she has dore. The creation 0/ an organixalicn to ejtabli h 8j I ^ngintain peace throughout the world. Arrangements to permit t liberated countr:ei in Europe and Germanys ^rrncr sGleUites to form governments ^ho$cn by their own peoples. . [ . The establishment of new governmtnts tn Poland ■时 标,which will represent ?R cl^sfet in thott countries except Nazi collulnrationiits. The continuance of unity among th,United Sf. ■ J Britain and the Soviet Un


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