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and urba n medi cal rescue work, conscienti ously strengthen lea dership, sound system. County Governme nt was set up by t he magistrate as head of the Gover nment, civil affairs, finance, healt h, labour and other related departme nts mainly re sponsible as member s of the leadi ng group for r ural cooperative medi cal care. Forme d a Governme nt, the home of the County supervi sors, operation mechani sm of collaboration. Thi s year, the County started implementi ng Me dicai d one-stop real time service, medi cal assistance, basic medi cal insura nce, Effective convergence of insura nce and medical relief impl ementation pl an for 2015 I countie s to re consider an amendme nt will be a ccepted t o extend the hours of medical aid on June 30, a nd county-wi de poverty population range of seri ous di sease i ncl uding medi cal assistance, prote ction of agricultural a nd pastoral areas n 22 major diseases and impleme nt home healt h aid se condary ai d, to achieve a longitudinal a nd transverse to the side of Medicai d coverage. So far, the total investment 2.8772 million Yua n relief 955 visits t he si ck poor people in ur ban and r ural areas, 155,000 to rescue 65 people i n patient s with serious di sease s. (D) efforts to the developme nt of social welfare servi ce, constantly improve t he five-g uarante e system. Implementi ng regulati ons of the rural five-g uarantee w ork, further i ncrea se the i ntensity of day-to-day management and servi ces to t he five objects, e nsure that the five should do, a ccording t o Shi Bao on the basis of further perfe cting rural five-g uarantee system, raise the lev el of support. So far, fundi ng for any County 89 wubaohu 524,700. Mea nwhi le, as a regi on-wide severe di sabilities aged care subsi dies t his year pilot counties, our County has been seriously disabl ed el derly nursing all owa nce pilot program, com pleting survey work for severely disable d ol der pe ople t hroughout the Count y, and in June began is


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