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《BE动词的过去式》教学设计 衡水市枣强县第七小学 刘洋 一、教学目标 让学生学会be动词过去的形式was和were。 让学生学会be动词过去式的肯定形式和否定形式。 让学生了解含有be动词过去式的问句结构。 让学生学会如何回答含有be动词过去式的一般疑问句。 让学生了解was表示单数,were表示复数,人称代词you的单数形式做主语时也要用were。 二、教学重难点 重点:学会be动词过去式的肯定形式和否定形式 难点:如何回答含有be动词过去式的一般疑问句 教学过程 导入 由问题What is the past simple of Be?引出本课重点。 新课呈现 (1)由He is tall.举例引出was和were。 T:What can we say about his past? He was short. This is called the past simple tense. We use the past simple to talk about the past. 教师指出He was tall.运用了was 的肯定形式,让学生猜测其否定形式应该如何表达。引出wasn’t和werent.并介绍它们是缩写形式,并出示其完全形式。 T:He was short is the positive. What is the negative? The negative is he wasnt short.Wasn’t is the contraction of was not. 教师举例让学生更好地理解was和wasnt,were和werent的肯定意义和否定意义。 T:Here are some more examples. I was a police officer. I wasnt a police officer. She was beautiful. She wasnt beautiful. It was expensive. It wasnt expensive. We were at home. We werent at school. They were in Russia. They werent in Thailand. 教师引出问题Which one is singular and which one is plural? 让学生进行猜测,之后给出答案。 T:Was is singular and word is plural. 教师介绍were表示复数,人称代词you的单数形式做主语时也要用were。 T:But sometimes English doesnt always follow the rules. The pronoun you can be singular or plural. But we use were for both singular you and plural you. You were late to school. You werent late to school. 然后老师举例让学生进一步感知were的用法。 T:You were late to school. You werent late to school. (5)教师介绍含有was和were的问句结构,以及如何回答含有was和were的一般疑问句。 T:We can also make questions using the past simple. Why were you late to school? Were you late to school? The short answer for a yes no question is yes, I was no, I wasnt when were they in Russia? Were they in Russia? The short answers are. Yes, they were. No, they werent. How much was it? Was it expensive? An what are the short answers? Yes, it was. No, it wasnt. 强化巩固 教师引导学生总结本课重点内容。 T:So remember, we use the past simple of BE to talk about the past. The negative was becomes wasn’t, Were becomes werent.Was is singular. Were is plural and for you. The short answers to y


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