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thrift of excellent traditi onal a nd style lack dee p of understa ndi ng, one -sided t hink i n now of good situation Xi a, economic sm ooth more fast devel opme nt, and reform made major progress, a ndpeople living significantly improve , and social t he care er made new pr ogress, no necessary always ha rd has, no awarene ss to Chi na also ha s many poverty area, a nd al so has many poverty population of exists, m ore living impr ove ha s, more need ke ep hard of style. Thre e is not strictly honest. otal thought units i s a water se ctor, cle an self-discipline away from himself too far, no real pr oce ssing good living of impr ove and har d, and thrift excell ent traditional of relationshi p, no effective do comply with Constituti on a nd party of regulati ons must from I do up, no right mer cy good bitter Le, a nd wealt h of relati onship, no rig ht aware ness to in comply with Constitution and party of regulations aspect s everyone ha s accountability. Four, f uture directi on a nd impr ovement measures 1, belief a nd faith, strengthe n party spirit. One i s to firmly establi sh t he noble ideal s of struggl e for the i deals of communism, communist str uggle for life, ready t o sa crifice everyt hing for t he party a nd t he people. Se cond is t o conti nuously im prove the quality and standard of political, conscienti ously study Deng Xi aoping the ory and three re present s important t hought a nd the scientific Outl ook on development, im plement t he partys basi c pr ogram for the pr imary stage of sociali sm, adhere to t he corre ct politi cal orientation, maintai n hig hly consistent w ith the CPC Ce ntral Committee, is good at heorie s of socialism wit h Chine se characteri stics t o ana lyze and solve pr oblem s. Third, strengt heni ng the party spirit and the w orld tra nsformation, per severance of the party Constitution, relive Party vows t o establish corre ct worl d Outlook, Outlook on life and the worl d, pra ctically em bodies i dea


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