
非洲猪瘟下的汉世伟生物安全体系 - 王星晨 (1).pdf

非洲猪瘟下的汉世伟生物安全体系 - 王星晨 (1).pdf

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非洲猪瘟下的汉世伟生物安全体系 Hanswine biosecurity system under ASF pressure 汇报人 :王星晨 汉世伟兽医总监、生物安全部总经理 2017.12.29 个人简介 resume 王星晨(Dylan ) 2003-2007 扬州大学 动物营养与饲料加工 yangzhou university Animal nutrition and feed processing 2007-2010 安徽农业大学 预防兽医学硕士 Anhui agricultural university, Master of preventive veterinary medicine 2010-2013 中国农业大学 预防兽医学博士 China Agricultural University , Doctor of preventive veterinary medicine 2013 PIC管理培训生 PIC Management trainee 2013-2015 大北农 种猪事业部兽医经理、威海核心厂厂长 DBN Veterinary manager of Breeding Production Division, Director of Weihai Core Factory 2016-至今 汉世伟兽医总监、生物安全部总经理 HanSwine Director of veterinary, General manager of biosecurity Department 汉世伟的生物安全理念 The biosecurity concept of HanSwine  建立以切断蓝耳和PEDV的传播,保持猪群蓝耳阴性为目标和衡量指标的生物安全体系。  To establish a biosecurity system aiming at cutting off the transmission of PRRSV and PEDV and keeping PRRSV negative .  建立了可追溯系统(供种场、饲料厂、疫苗毒株、相邻养殖场、合作家庭农场、人员进入样品、本场以 往发病毒株序列共同形成的数据库),给分析传播途径提供线索。  The traceability system (the virus database formed by breeding farms, feed mills, adjacent farms, cooperative family farms, personnel samples, vaccine strains, and previously pathogenic strains in same farm) was established to provide clues for the analysis of viruses transmission .  基于每一个失败的案例(系统内12个蓝耳案例)不断复盘和改进生物安全条例和需要检查的技术指标( 3年改进到了4.0版本)。  Based on each failure case (12 PRRSV cases in the system), the biosecurity regulations and technical indicators that need to be checked are repeatedly reviewed and improved (improved to version 4.0 in 3 years).  基于足够多的生产单元,目前拥有多个蓝耳双阴性生产单元:母猪场6个,4个公猪站,后备厂11个)。  Based on a sufficient number of production units, HanSwine currently has a series of PRRSV AgAb negative production units: 6 sow farms, 4 boar studs and 11 gilt farms. 猪群/精液 herds / semen


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