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上海大学2013〜2014学年 秋 季学期研究生试题 A卷 课程名称:写作1 课程编号:001704G2 学分:0.5 (请在答题纸上答题,否则无效 ) Part One: Diction (20%)( 10—20% 可以来自于课本) Directions: Choose the right one from the following two choices marked A or B. 1. The argume nt can only be settled by some one who is . A. dis in terested B. unin terested 2. This is an in terest ing book with vivid acco unt of events and people. A. historic B. historical 3. The in formati on was as a result of various experime nts. A. obta ined B. acquired 4. If no one takes the and pla n for the trip, we will n ever leave home. A. i nitial B. i nitiative 5. From her con versati on, I that she had a happy family. A. in duce B. deduce 6. I don t know tinesuits of the tests yet. , why are you so interested in them? A. Somehow B. An yhow 7. He gave his clearest yet that he will keep rac ing. A. in dicati on B. predict ion 8. He hoped the firm would him to the Paris bran ch. A. tran smit B. tran sfer 9. Jim Lovell talked about the current situation at NASA during an to mark the fortieth anni versary of Apollo Thirtee n. A. event B. in cide nt 10. A good scie ntist is highly si nee he ofte n has to look for relati ons in data which are ofte n complex and in complete. A. imagi native B. imagi nary 11. I seem to have myself in something I don t understand. A. evolved B. i nvolved 12. Im very sorry to have you with so many questions on such an occasion. A. i nterfered B. bothered 13. Whe n you have filled in the questi onn aire, copy it and send the to your employer. A. origi nal B. i nitial 14. People don t like to ask questions for fear of apping . A. illiterate B. ig norant 15. From Mexico, Preside nt Obama traveled Friday to the Caribbea n n ati on of Trini dad and Tobago for the Fifth of the Americas. A. Conference B. Summit 16. She was a woma n of tale nt and determi natio n. A. sin gle B. unique 17. FM radio stations in a range of frequencies between eighty-eight and one hundred eight megahertz. A. tran sport B. tran smit 18. Police are still


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