《动力总成匹配技术 》课程教学大纲.docx

《动力总成匹配技术 》课程教学大纲.docx

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大学本科专业培养方案课程教学大纲 编 码:EP06025 Code: EP06025 课程名称:动力总成匹配技术 Course Title: Matching Technology of Power System 课程类别:专业选修 Course category: Elective Courses in specialty 学 分:2 Credit(s): 2 开课单位:机械与运载工程学院 Offering College/School: College of Mechanical Vehicle Engineering 课程描述:本课程是能源与动力工程、车辆工程专业的一门选修课。本课程以能源与动力设备和内燃机学为前导课程。本课程主要包括汽车总体结构及性能指标、发动机工作原理及控制、发动机性能及评价、动力传动装置及其控制、汽车动力传动系统匹配方法、改善汽车性能有效途径等内容。学生需了解与汽车动力总成有关的基本概念和基本理论,理解汽车动力总成匹配和改善性能的基本原理和方法,掌握动力总成的匹配方法,并能灵活运用这些方法进行汽车动力总成的匹配和优化。本课程以课堂教学为主、学生自学、讨论和实践相结合的模式,通过学习本课程,使学生在掌握扎实的基础理论知识的同时,能够获得工程应用背景知识,进而培养学生学以致用、理论联系实际的能力和素养。 Course description: This course is an elective course for energy and power engineering and vehicle engineering. This course takes energy and power equipment and internal combustion engine as the leading course. The course covers automobile overall structure and performance indicators, engine working principle and control, engine performance and evaluation, automobile power transmission system matching method, and effective ways for improving vehicle performance, etc. Students need to understand the basic concepts and basic theories related to the automotive powertrain, to understand the basic principles and methods of matching and improving performance of automotive powertrain, and to master the matching method of power assembly. Moreover, these methods can be used by students to match and optimize automobile power assembly. The teaching modes are that class teaching is used as a main method, combined with the student teaching themselves, discussion, and practice as the assistant methods, so that the students can master the knowledge of the basic theory and the engineering application background. In addition, this course also develops the students’ability and accomplishment to make their study serve the practical purpose. 第 PAGE 2 页/共 NUMPAGES \* Arabic 5 页 课程内容 (一)课程教学目标 通过本课程的教学,使学生具备以下能力: 具有解决复杂能源与动力工程问题所需的动力总成匹配技术知识及其应用能力(毕业要求1)。 具有自主学习和终


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