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大学本科专业培养方案课程教学大纲 编 码:ME06124 Code: ME06124 课程名称:电动车辆设计 Course Title: Electric Vehicle Design 课程类别:专业选修 Course category: Elective Courses in Specialty 学 分:2 Credit(s): 2 开课单位:机械与运载工程学院 Offering College/School: College of Mechanical Vehicle Engineering 课程描述:本课程是车辆工程专业高年级本科生的一门专业选修课,以汽车理论、汽车电子技术、电动车辆原理与构造等为前导课程,为学生将来从事电动车辆设计的相关工作打下基础。本课程主要包括动力系统匹配设计、高低压电气系统关键元器件选型设计、整车控制系统软硬件设计、电池系统设计、混合动力系统参数匹配与能量管理策略设计、再生制动系统设计等内容,学生需要在了解各类电动车辆的基本工作原理的基础上,理解和掌握电动车辆关键零部件(主要是“三电”系统)的选型匹配、机电参数、控制策略等的设计原理与方法,并能运用相关专业软件完成相应的设计、开发和验证。通过学习本课程,学生能获得电动车辆设计相关的基本方法、知识和技能,锻炼和提升电动车辆关键零部件的实际工程设计能力、软件应用能力、自主学习和创新等方面的能力。 Course description: Electric Vehicle Design is an optional course for senior undergraduate students majored in Vehicle Engineering. Led by Automotive Theory, Automotive Electronics, Electric Vehicle Fundamentals and Structure, this course lays foundation for students’ future career related to electric vehicle design. The main contents of this course include powertrain sizing, design of key components of high and low voltage systems, hardware and software design of vehicle control system, battery system design, hybrid electric powertrain sizing and energy management strategy design, regenerative braking system design etc. On the basis of knowing principle of different kinds of electric vehicles, students need to understand and master the design principle and method of sizing, mechanical and electrical parameter, control strategy for electric vehicles, and can apply proper professional software to complete the corresponding design, development and verification. Through learning this course, students will gain basic method, knowledge and skill for electric vehicle design, and can also enhance the ability to design key components of electric vehicles, apply software to solve practical problems, self-learning and innovation etc. 第 PAGE 2 页/共 NUMPAGES \* Arabic 6 页 课程内容 (一)课程教学目标 通过本课程的教学,使学生具备以下能力: 1.具有解决复杂车辆工程问题所需的汽车理论设计制


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