浙江省温州市啸秋中学高一英语必修2课件:unit 1 Warming Up and Reading(人教版).ppt

浙江省温州市啸秋中学高一英语必修2课件:unit 1 Warming Up and Reading(人教版).ppt

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P2 EX1 1------C 2------E 3------B 4-------D 5-------A 6-------F P3 EX1 1.select 7.in search of 2.rare 8.survive 3.reception 9.remove 4.amaze 10.artist 5.less than 11.former 6.wooden 12.at war P3 EX2 dynasties, style, amazing, jewels designed, decorated, fancy, rare doubt, worth Later, Catherine II had the Amber Room ____ to a palace outside St Petersburg and ____ more details to it. In September 1941, the Nazis and Russians were __ __. The Nazis secretly ___ the Amber Room and sent it to Konigsberg. After that, what happened to the Amber Room remains a _____. In 2003, the Russians and Germans ____ the Amber Room, by studying old photos of the ____ one. So they have a new Amber Room much like the old one. moved added at war stole mystery rebuilt former Unit 1 Cultural Relics something about culture ? a dream about culture ! Warming Up and Reading Gold Treasure[tre??] Jewelry Let’s Explore! Atlantis 亚特兰蒂斯 传说中沉没于大西洋的岛屿 Ming Dynasty Vase Ming Dynasty Vase Ivory Dragon Boat 象牙龙舟 清朝贡品 传说中的 神农鼎 和 炼妖壶 啊~ 轩辕剑 呐~ Taj Mahal 泰姬陵 伊斯兰教完美建筑 built in 1631 世界七大奇迹之一 One of the Seven Wonders Indian emperor[?emp?r?] had it built in memory of(纪念) his beloved wife. Taj Mahal 泰姬陵 伊斯兰教完美建筑 built in 1631 the Great Wall Shanghaiguan Pass (关口) Meng Jiangnv (孟姜女) Pyramids[?pir?mid] Triangles[?trai??ɡl] (三角形) Tombs [tu:m] (坟墓)of Pharaohs[?f?r??] (法老) in Egypt Mogao Caves Cultural relics rare valuable have survived for a long time A cultural relic is something that has __________for a long time, often a part of something old that has _________ when the rest of it has been destroyed; it is _____and _____. It tells people about the past. survived remained Cultural relics rare valuable survived remained rare valuable amber What is amber? Amber is actually the fossilized[f?silaizd] (变成化石的) sap(液,汁)from pine trees (松树). Most of the amber in the world is in the range


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