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仅供学习与交流 仅供学习与交流 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除 上海各区2012届高三英语一模试题分类汇编:语法 试题部分 宝山区: It i s be Iieved that those who attend lessons great concentrati on are more I ikely to be top ones? A. on B. in C. with D. over There are many spe11 ing mistakes in this exercise book. so it is but satisfactory? A. anything B. nothing C? everything D. something Retirement i s obviously a very comp I ex ad justment period and you start planning for it. the better? A. ear Iier B. ear Iiest C. the ear Iiest D. the ear Iier Although most dreams apparently happen unconscious Iy. dream activities by outside influence? A. may be provided B. must be provided C. should be provided D. will be provided Despite the rule mobi le phones are forbidden in class? my deskmate can t help playing phone games occasional Iy. A. which B. what C? that D. where According to a report from WHO. two million people wor I dvr ide to die from ai r pol luti on each year. A. estimated B. estimate C? are estimated D. are estimating 31 ? He spent almost al I his time chatt i ng on the Inter net, many things he shou I d have done. A. to forget B. forgetting C. forgot D. being forgotten Sometimes giving a gift is better than spoken communications. since the message it can C. will offerD. has offeredbreak through barriers of Ianguage. A. offered B. offers C. will offer D. has offered A total of 35 Chinese universifies rank among China* s Shanghai Jiao Tong University on Monday. A. releasing B. to release C?A red I ight is a v/arning to drivers and staff A total of 35 Chinese universifies rank among China* s Shanghai Jiao Tong University on Monday. A. releasing B. to release C? A red I ight is a v/arning to drivers and staff the world* s 500 best in a ranking by release D? released that another train is dangerously close and that adjustments need ? C? to be madeD. madeA. make B. to make C? to be made D. made What changeable weather, ? A. is it B. isn, t it C. won t it D. doesn t it By classes, the c



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