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Every hour counts 每小时都有价值
There is a real art to delivering a large litter of healthy piglets! The sow provides the maternal care
while the farmer, in a way, gets the plum job of assuming the fathers role. Growing piglets need a
lot of care, which calls for real expertise. Spotting early signals of health, disease and well-being
is vital to obtain a good end result: delivering a healthy finishing pig. The life of a newborn piglet
passes very quickly, much faster than that of a finishing pig. And while a human baby doubles its
weight in 17 weeks, a piglet achieves the same feat within a week! So you have to respond to
signals quickly: every hour counts.
的。新生仔猪的时期非常短暂,比育肥期短的多。婴儿需要 17 周体重才能翻一番,而达到
同样的目标,小猪在1 周就可以搞定!因此您必须对仔猪发出的信号做出快速反应:需要以
Good care starts with careful observation. Observe carefully: how long is the sow taking to farrow?
Do all piglets drink within an hour of birth? Are the teats easily accessible? Have any piglets still
not eaten a few days after weaning?
无微不至的照顾源于仔细认真地观察。仔细观察:母猪的产程有多长?是否所有的乳猪在 1
You cant observe in a careful way while carrying out other activities. Stand still, literally, and
observe the signals. The longer you stand there, the more signals you will notice, including subtle
ones. A lame piglet that always has one leg raised off the ground is a signal that you spotted too
late. Treating such a piglet is difficult, and not always successful. Spotting problems before they
develop is what good piglet rearing is all about.
间越长,您观察到的信号就会越多,包括那些细微的信号。当您发现1 条腿悬于空中的瘸腿
Look-think-act 观察-思考-行动
Piglets is part of the Pig Signals~ series, with its key principles of looking, thinking and acting.
The three basic questions