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PAGE PAGE 18 《旅游法》实施对导游服务质量影响的探讨 摘要: 我国旅行社业却长期处于“小,散,弱,差”状态,即企业规模小,企业之间的联系“散”,产品开发能力弱,市场环境差。2013年10月1号起《旅游法》正式实施。《旅游法》规定旅行社不能组织零负团费、安排购物点和自费项目等的旅行团,并禁止导游拿取回扣。本文通过对旅行社经理的访谈和对导游员的问卷调查,对《旅游法》实施造成的对导游服务质量的影响进行探讨。提出在新环境下,提升导游服务质量的对策,即:树立工作信心,提升职业认同;加强队伍建设,提高从业门槛;提高导游待遇,防止人才流失;建立健全导游服务监督机制。 关键词:旅游法导游服务质量影响 The impact of the tourism law on tour guides’ service quality Abstract: The travel agency industry stays in condition that is “small, loose, weak, poor” all the time in our country, which means they are small in scale, loose in connection with each other, weak in ability of developing products, poor in the environment of market.The tourism law was officially carried out in October 1st, 2013. Organizing tour groups that are asking for zero or even negative inclusive-fees ,or arranging the shopping places and chargeable projects without guests’ permission are not allowed in the new tourism law. Tour guides are also banned to take a amount of money illegally from merchants and others in the law. The essay is aimed at studying the effects implement of the tourism law does to tour guides’ service quality by analyzing interviews with travel agency manager and questionnaires of tour guides. Thus, several solutions to improve the quality of tour guides’ services in the new environment are put forward, including they are supposed to build confidence and improve identity of work, strengthen team construction and raise threshold of employment up, get tour guides higher pay and avoid losing the person with great ability and establish and optimize supervision mechanism to tour guides’ services as well. Keywords: the tourism law tour guide service quality effect 一、 引言 早在《旅游法》颁发之前,旅行社之间,由于产品无差异,营销无差异,市场无差异等原因导致主要是靠降低价格来进行竞争,吸引游客的眼球,却忽略了旅游的本质和旅游者的真正需求。旅行社更低的价格带来了游客,但连成本都没有全部收回,所以旅行社联合导游人员在旅行线路中增设购物点和其他的自费景点或项目,拿取回扣。此类情况极大的影响游客的旅行体验。旅游社的恶性低价竞争促使导游员服务质量不断降低,导游员只关心能否赚到更多的回扣。 中国有关部门早在改革开放初期就开始准备《旅游法》的起草,然而,由于种种原因,各方面对立法相关问题看法相差甚远,立法一直没有被提上议程。一直到了将近30年后的2013年,由中华人民共和国第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二


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