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well, with the effectiveness of services to defend the interests of the masses. Thir d, we should strive to do wel l. To achieve good pra ctical results, the key is to know the la w , to grasp the law s and usi ng laws. Office of economic development, social progress, there are r ules to foll ow. Only act accor ding to the la w, to over come blindness and strengt heni ng initiative, creative. Worki ng in t he Of fice, we shoul d be good at a nalyzi ng the essence of thi ngs, to find regular t hing, cha nge from passive t o active, to seek one. Investee 2. establi shment of evaluation system. Evaluati on system is e ssenti ally an incentive mechani sm, the eval uation was obje ctive and fair, reasonabl e, and ca n stimulate a persons e nergy, mobilizi ng pe opl es ent husiasm or be misleadi ng, dampe ned the enthusia sm of people. At pre sent, the concept of pe opl e-oriente d pe ople , but to e stablish and perfe ct evaluation syste m is still lagging be hind. Work in thi s area should be seriously caug ht up. T hree emphasis on to take adva ntage of. Is a focus on standards and scie ntific. A fundame ntal poi nt of the eval uation criteria, is t o keep conta ct, devel opme nt, comprehensive ey e evaluation of ca dres.
Office work, both record a nd potential performance; both subjective efforts, take a not her look at the objective conditi on; bot h pragmatic enoug h, take another l ook at t he retreat level. Second, focus on partici pating the brea dth of the subje ct. Evaluati on of cadres m ust give full play to democracy, ca dres a nd t he masse s ha ndi ng over evaluation. Office work ser vice s leadershi p and servi ce base, serve the pe opl e, the n nominated t he main object w ill contain a variety of servi ces, so t hat asse ssment wa s accurate a nd t o avoid one-side dne ss. T hird, pay attention to the seri ousness of the concl usi on. T he use of evaluation f indi ngs i s mainly em bodied i n hi s dire ction. Permitted t o choose one, it wou
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