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relationship, establi she d equivalent relati onship 14, and subje ct: applicati on problem (4)--scores a nd perce ntage applicati on probl em review content ov erview answers scoreand subject: ge ometry preliminary ks, and per centage anowlepplidge (1)--lication problem of key is: accorne a nd a ngle review conte ding to meant line, a ningnd segment, and Ray, a, (1) determine standard volnd vertical ume (unit, and parallel, as 1) (2) find associate volume rate corresponds to relationship, Tnd a ngle angl e of classification (slig htly) 17, and subje ct: geometry prhen i n-lieliminary knowlene soluti on. Category fraction multiplication wordge (2)--plane gra phi cs review conted problem score Divint triangle, a nd esion applicatidges shape d, aons end round, and fan axisymmetric graphingineering probl em problem XV, a su cs perimeter and arebject : review of the measurementa com binati on graphics of area subjeof the amount of capacity, measuremect : Preliminary knowledge (3)-reviewnt and unit s of measuremeof soli d content categnt of com mon units of measuremeory 1-d shape s are divided intnt and their sigo: cyli nificance inder a ndn rate 1, currecone 2, colum ncy, len is divi ngth, area, volded i nto: cuboiume, unit sized, square 3, , volume, wcone cone eight and rate. (Omitted) 2, commonly uof the features of cuboids a nd cubes relati sed time units and their relationship betwee n characteristi onshics of cirps. (Slightly) with a measurement units Zhijian of of poly 1, acular cone is slig htly soli d surfa ce area and vol ume 1, size 2, table ...nd of method 2, a和 nd poly method 3, and of method and poly method of relationshi p measureme nt dista nce of method 1, and t ool measurement 2, a nd e stimates 16, 金众·葛兰溪谷 ( 五期 ) 工程 混凝土缺陷修补


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