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大连民族学院本科毕业设计(论文) 逐点比较法插补程序程序设计与运行 模拟 学 院(系): 机电信息工程学院 _____ 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 __ 学生姓名: _________ 学 号: _________ 指 导教师: 李文龙 __________ 评 阅 教 师: _________________________ 完 成 日 期: _________________________ 大连民族学院 摘 要 在数控编程时,一般仅提供描述该线形所必须的相关参数,但为了 满足几何零件尺寸精度要求,必须在刀具(或工件)运动过程中实时计算出满足线形和进给速度要求的在起点和终点之间的若干中间点,所以就有了插补。 本设计主要阐述了逐点比较法的基本原理,在四个象限直线、圆弧 插补的插补原理以及如何实现。重点研究了逐点比较法的基本算法,控制 程序的原理框图,对逐点比较法做了详细的研究,掌握基本的 G 代码的内容与运用,编写插补程序,并且基于 vb 平台演示插补过程。 从调试结果来看,本文所提供的运算与编程能够通过简洁的“输入输出”界面,较好的实现了计算机屏幕模拟。 关键词:简易数控;逐点比较法插补; G代码; VB;计算机屏幕模拟 Abstract By-point comparison interpolation program design and run the simulation program In NC programming, generally only provide a description of the relevant parameters necessary for linear, but in order to meet the accuracy requirements of the geometric part size must be in the tool (or workpiece) during exercise to meet the real-time calculation and linear feed rate required at the start and some intermediate point between the endpoints, so there will be interpolated. The design is mainly explained by-point comparison of the basic principles in the four quadrants linear and circular interpolation interpolation theory and a point by point comparison of the basic algorithm, a block diagram of the control program, right by-point comparison method to do a detailed study and master the basic content and the use of G-code, write interpolation procedures, and is based on interpolation vb platform demo process. From the debugging results, provided computing and programming through simple input output interface, to achieve a better simulation of the computer screen Keywords: Simple numerical control; interpolation point by point comparison; G code; VB; Computer simulation on the screen 目 录 摘 要 ........................................................................................................................... ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................... 目 录 ..........


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