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湖南财经高等专科学校毕业论文(设计) 第 I 页 我国住房抵押贷款证券化及相关问题的研究 摘 要 证券化是指资产采取证券这一价值形态的过程和技术。在证券化发展的初级阶段, 资金需求者通过在金融市场发行股票、企业债券和商业票据等有价证券,直接向资金的 提供者筹资,这一过程可称为“一级证券化”。本文所研究的资产证券化则是指近三十 年来世界金融领域一项重要的金融创新,其主要内容是信贷资产证券化,即将己经存在 的信贷资产和应收账款集中起来,将资产的现金流重新包装组合或者分割后,用以支持 一种新的证券出售给市场投资者,相对前者而言被称为“二级证券化”。资产证券化以 其独特的构思、创新的交易结构而得到广大金融市场参与者的青睐。 总之,资产证券化业务在我国具有广阔的发展空间,我们应当充分把握这一机会, 在拓宽融资渠道的同时,建立良好的政策法律环境和投资环境,培养大批的金融人才, 为我国的经济发展提供充足的动力。 关键词:证券化 ,住房抵押贷款,住房抵押贷款证券化 湖南财经高等专科学校毕业论文(设计) 第 II 页 Chinas housing mortgage loan securitization and related issues of Author:Chen Xiao Tutor:Zeng Fang Abstract Asset securitization refers to the value of the securities of this form of process and technology. In the initial stage of the development of securitization, financial needs are in the financial markets by issuing stocks, corporate bonds and commercial paper and other securities directly to the providers of capital funding, this process can be called a securitization. Studied in this paper asset securitization refers to the worlds financial sector last three decades as an important financial innovation, whose main content is securitization of credit assets, will already exist in credit assets and accounts receivable together assets re-packaged combination of cash flow, or after a split, to support a new market of securities sold to investors, the former in terms of the relative known as the two securitization. Asset Securitization its unique concept and innovative transaction structure which had the overwhelming financial market participants of all ages. In short, asset securitization business in China has broad space for development, we should fully grasp this opportunity to broaden the financing channels at the same time, to establish a good policy and legal environment and investment environment, and cultivate a large number of financial professionals for Chinas economic development provide sufficient power. Keywords: Securitization,Mortgage,Mortgage Securitization 湖南财经高等专科学校毕业论文(设计) 第 III 页 目 录 1 2 资产证券化的市场


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