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-你今晚来陪我真好 -是 很开心 - Its good you stayed tonight. - Yeah, its been fun. 我告诉他我需要空间 不能让他知道你在这 I told him I needed space. He cant know youre here. 我刚把垃圾桶拿出去 I just put the bins out. -真是不是冤家不聚头 -我可不觉得 - This is an unwelcome coincidence. - Not for me. 我们得聊聊 We need to talk. 你得答应我 你会照顾我 You have to promise me. Youll be there to look after me. 我答应你 I promise. 别说了 别再说这些了 Stop talking. Stop saying all of this. 你嘲笑我 轻视我 You laughed at me, lessened me. 你对你的所作所为一清二楚 You knew exactly what you were doing. 你要离家出走 这不公平 盖尔 Youre leaving? Its not fair, Gail! 凯莉承认她曾经出轨 Kelly admitted that shed been unfaithful. 现在我明白了 And now I know. 我其实没那么在乎了 I really dont care any more. 今天剪一个什么发型呢 What are we doing today? 类似这样的 Something like this? 想要焕然一新 Fancy a change, then? 没错 Yes. 生活 第一季 第四集 盖尔 又是我 Gail, its me again. 我理解你需要一点空间 I understand you wanted your space, 我试过不打扰你 但是... so Ive tried to leave you alone, but... 现在这变得非常荒谬 Well, its getting ridiculous now. 大家都在问 People are asking. 我不想像那些夫妻一样 And I just refuse to be one of those couples whose problems 让大家知道我们夫妻闹矛盾 leak out in public, 所以...给我回电hearts;话hearts;吧 me back. 让我们来解决这个问题 求你了 Lets fix this, please. 填字游戏 瑞秋 Rachel. 我想知道今天下午的安排有什么变动吗 Hey, I was just wondering about this afternoon I hadnt heard. 今天下午 This afternoon? 是的 我让你帮我照顾连尼 Yeah. Ive got you down to have Lenny. 是的 Oh. Er...yes. 我们需要...推迟一下 We may have to...postpone that. 推迟 我下午要开会 Postpone? Ive got a meeting. 你妈妈身体不太舒服 Well, your mums not well, 但我们会... but I think both of us would rather... -不舒服 -不 没什么事 真的 - Not well? - No, no, no. Its fine, really. 她就是...需要休息休息 Its just...she needs rest. 能找别人照顾连尼吗 Can you find someone else to take Lenny? 没问题 我来搞定 Sure. Ill sort it out. -瑞秋 -怎么了 - Oh, and...Rachel? - Yes? 这个单词有七个字母 答应给予... Seven letters. Swear to give... 爸爸 平时不是妈妈帮你想吗 Oh, Dad. Doesnt Mum normally help you with these? 答应给予 但是减少三成 Swear to give and take 30% off. -我不知道 -动动脑筋 - I have no idea. - Well, have a think. 抱歉我今天去不了 爱你 Sorry about today. Love you


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