高中英语_Unit1 People of Achievement教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

高中英语_Unit1 People of Achievement教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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教学设计 一、教学内容   了解屠呦呦获诺贝尔新闻事件,梳理青蒿素研究过程,分析和提炼屠呦呦的优秀品质。   二、课时目标   1. 能利用主题图预测文本内容,梳理文章的宏观结构,明确文章的主要内容。   2. 能归纳和提炼屠呦呦以及团队的伟大之处,体会用故事刻画人物的写作手法。  三、教学过程 Procedures (Before class: Greeting; form groups of eight.) Step 1 Lead in (look at some pictures of people of achievement, such as Yuan Longping, Zhong Nanshan,etc, then watch a short video about Tu Youyou ) Purpose: to arouse students’ interest and lead in the topic Step2 prediction (read the title together then predict what the text is about?) Purpose: to arouse students’ curiosity and active participation Step3 Fast reading (read the text quickly to get the main idea and the structure of the text.) Task1:What does the passage mainly talk about? It mainly talks about Tu Youyous __________ and her way to __________________which saves lots of people worldwide. Task2:Try to divide the passage into three parts then match the main ideas with each part. Purpose: to help students have a better understanding of the main idea and structure Step 4: careful reading (read each part carefully to get some detailed information) Read part 1 carefully and fill in the blanks (Ask students to read paragraphs 1 carefully by focusing on 5w, that is who, when, why, what, where) Artemisinin has saved___________________ of lives, and has led to improved health for ____________ people. Over____________ people around the world get malaria each year, and about __________ die from it.Artemisinin is thought to save__________ lives a year in Africa alone. The discovery of artemisinin is very _______or ________ Purpose: to introduce the significance of the discovery of artemisinin Read part 2 carefully and do some tasks.(Ask students to read paragraphs 2-3 carefully by focusing on verbs or verb phrases to know about the process of artemisinin discovery.) Task 1: choose the best answers Whats the function of the third sentence in para.2? A. It serves as the introduction of the discovery of artemisinin B. It serves as the background of the d



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