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I was thinking about how doctors in the Middle Ages 我在想中世纪的医生 used to bleed people. 是如何为病人放血的 You know, they thought by... 他们认为 cutting the patient and letting them bleed, that they could... 割开病人 让他们流血 他们就能... pull the sickness out of them. 帮病人消除疾病 And I think in a way, that was what I was trying to do. 我想在某种程度上 这就是我想要做的 When I made that first cut... 当我割下第一刀时 I could almost feel the wrong being... 我几乎能感觉到不好的东西 sucked out of me, 从体内被抽离出去 and I actually felt high. 我真的很兴奋 Its appeal must be difficult to resist, Phil, 这种吸引力一定难以抗拒 菲尔 but we know its just like any other drug, right? 但我们知道这和其他任何药物一样对吧 Weve been chasing it for years now, 我们苦寻多年 but the highs never been the same nor the relief. 但是这种兴奋和解脱始终不一样 Yeah, thats true. Its your time, Phil. 没错 现在是你的分享时间 菲尔 Anything else you would like to share? 你还有什么想要分享的吗 Im good. 没了 You cut yourself for fun, I wouldnt say you are good, dude. 你可以割伤自己取乐 我可不会说你乖 Leave him alone. 别烦他 Does she tie your shoes, too, Phil? Chad. 她也替你系鞋带吗 菲尔 查德 Were a non-confrontational therapeutic group. 我们是一个非对抗性的治疗小组 Treat others as you yourself want to be treated. 己所不欲 勿施于人 OK. 好 Diarrhea of the mouth is a real sickness, Chad? 嘴巴痢疾才是真正的疾病吧 查德 All right, enough. Enough, every one. 好了 别说了 各位 Jane, I dont want you to handle that now. 简 我不希望你现在应付这些 Well, I cant think of anything positive to say right now. 我现在想不出什么积极的事来说 Come on, youve been such a strong presence here, anything. 你在这里一直都很有影响力 随便什么都行 OK. 好 Im a planner. 我是个有计划的人 And if I cant see whats ahead of me, I lose my shit, which is... 如果我看不到前路 我就会迷失方向 probably why Im in here. 这可能就是我来这的原因吧 Life is impossible to plan, so Im constantly losing my shit. 人生无法计划 所以我经常疯掉 I come from a family of-- of suicides. 我的家人全都是有自杀倾向的人 My grandmother, my father... 我奶奶和父亲 and now me. 现在轮到我 But you dont need to know any of that. 但是你们不需要知道这些 What you need to know is... 你们只需要知道 when I get on that plane tonight, I will never arrive home. 今晚我上了那架飞机后 我绝对回不到家 My body will but... 我的身体会... the airy part of me, m


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