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情态动词完成时态的用法 情态动词完成时态的用法 PAGE 情态动词完成时态的用法 “情态动词+have done”用法归纳 曲靖市第二中学 杨绍斌 情态动词+have done 用法 例句 must have done 表示主观上对过去已经发生的行为进行推测,意为“想必,准是,一定做了某事” ①She must have gone through a lot. ②He must have visited the White House during his stay in the United States. may have done might have done ① 表示对过去已发生行为的推测,意为“也许/或许已经(没有)……” ② 一般用于肯定句或否定句中,不用于疑问句 ③ 用might则表示语气更加不肯定 ①You may have learnt the news. ②He may not have heard his name called. ③Sorry I’m late. I might have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again. might have done ① 表示“本来可能……,但实际上没有发生的事情”即,推测过去有可能发生但已确知并为发生的事情may have done 没有此用法 ② 另外,还可以表示“本来应该或可以做某事”之意,含有轻微的责备语气;有时也表劝告 ①You should not swim in that sea; you might have been eaten by a shark. ② He might have given him more help, thought he was busy. can…have done cannot have done ① 只用在否定句和疑问句中 表示对过去发生的行为的怀疑和不肯定 ③ can换成could时语气委婉 ① Where can she have gone? ② Could he have done such a foolish thing? ③ The boy can’t have finished reading the book so soon because it is difficult even to an adult. could have done ① 可用在肯定句、否定句和疑问句中 ② 表示“可能已经……” ② 还可以表示过去能做而没 做的事,有一种对过去为付诸实施的事情的惋惜 ① He could have killed himself driving at a dangerous speed. ②You could have been more considerate. ③You could have done better, but you were too careless. should/ought to have done ① 用于肯定句时,表示本该做某事,而实际上未做 ② 用于否定句时,则表示不该做的事反而做了 ①He should have known that the police would never allow this sort of thing. ②You shouldn’t have done it so carelessly. ③You ought to have returned the book earlier. ④You ought not to have refused his offer. needn’t have done ① 表示做了本来不必去做的事 ② 注意:didn’t need to do表示“没必要做而实际上也没有做某事” ①You needn’t have watered the plants, for it is going to rain. ②I didn’t need to buy the dictionary. I had a copy at home. had better have done 用于事后的建议,含轻微责备的口吻,意为“当时最好做了某事”,其否定式had better not have done表示相反的含义 ①You had better have started earlier. ②You had better not have scolded her. would rather have done 表示“当时宁愿做了某事”,其否定式would rather not have done表示相反的含义,两者都表示“后悔”之意 ①I would


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