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2014-06-19 世界三大美味之一 肥肝生产概述 一、肥肝生产由来 History of Foie Gras gifts of the gods , before undertaking their long travel, that the Egyptians had the first, the idea to domesticate and to force-feed them. For a long time, the Jews of central Europe were famous to be the only ones to know the secrecies of the good foie gras. The Romans , force-feed them with figs and it is the word ficandum besides or fig which is at the origin of the word foie. Given up during several centuries, it is the king Louis XVI who gives again to the foie gras its nobility letters while making pa t éàla Contades, a pie with the foie gras in crust, the dish of the king . Since, the success of the foie gras did not cease growing, and its presence at table is pledge of pleasure and emotion . It was the Egyptians in Pharaonic times who discovered the exceptional culinary qualities of Foie Gras. Wild geese actually stuff themselves before their long migratory journey. It is therefore a natural and reversible process . 4  1 2 3 1 2014-06-19 世界肥肝生产 法国的肥肝生产 French foie gras production (tonnes) Year Goose Duck DUCK/GOOSE Total French Production 1990 628 5,252 8.36 5,880 1991 666 6,081 9.13 6,747 1992 637 7,171 11.26 7,808 1993 603 7,707 12.78 8,310 1994 601 9,083 15.11 9,684 1995 618 9,767 15.80 10,385 1996 — — - 10,850 1997 517 11,100 21.47 11,617 1998 493 12,554 25.46 13,047 source: CIFOG 法国肥肝出口 总计 比利时 瑞士 英联邦 德国 日本 荷兰 西班牙 /卢 森 堡 1996 320 45 79 41 49 32 16 34.5 1997 471 69 113 58 28 44 21 78 1998 677 119 151.5 68 42 47 37 129 97~98 +44% +72% +34% +17% +51% +7% +76% +65% 增长 比例 2 2014-06-19 匈牙利鹅肝的生产及出口 产品 出口 数量(吨) 平均重量(克 /只) 出口数量(吨) 平均价格(美元 /千克) 年份 1989 1630 477 1225 35.2 1990 1615 484 1304 28.2 1991 1575 512 1215 29.3 1992 1610 526 1180 30.7 1993 1770 518 1370 30.3 1994 2116 516 1714 28.2 1995 1849 549 1320 29.5 1996 1564 531 1257 26.5 1997 1655 517 1236 28.0 1998 1891 531 1286 24.4 世界肥肝消费 每年至少有 40%的法国人消费肥肝,平均每人每年吃 10次左右。其中西南部地区、巴黎地区和东南部地区是最主要的三大消费地。 肥肝消费季节性很强,法国每年消费量的三分之二发生在圣诞节和新年。生产者当然希望消费者在其他节日也消费肥肝


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