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国际货物运输代理协议 国际货物运输代理协议 (中英文) AGENCY AGREEMENT OF CARGO TRANSPORTATION Contract date: 签约日期: 甲方〔托运方〕:乙方〔承运方〕: Party A (consignor) Party B (consignee for transport) (双方信息略) 依据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关道路运输的法律法规规定,甲乙双方遵循合法、公正、公平、协商全都、老实信誉原那么签订本合同,共同遵守。两方就有关代理货物 运输及责任、权利事宜达成以下协议: Parties hereto, in accordance to CONTRACT LAW OF PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA and other law and rule concerned roadway transportation,conclude and inter into this contract on the on basis of legality, equality, justice and voluntary for common abidance, and reached agreement as follow on agency of cargo transportation, duty as well as right and interests by each party. 一、代理范围:SCOPE OF AGENCY 1. 乙方作为国际货物运输代理,承受甲方托付承办以下国际运输事宜: Party B, as being the agency of international cargo transportation, accept party A’s consignation of international cargo transportation as follow. 二、甲方责任: Party A’s duty and responsibility 1. 甲方应当对所供应托付单、报关单、答应证、合同、商检证明、核销文件、发票、装箱单、提单等有关文件、单证之真实性、合法性、完备性负责。 Party A should be responsible for authenticity, validity and integrality of his offered entrust form, customs declaration,licence, contract, certificate of commodity inspection, file of cancel after verification, invoice, packing list and bill of lading as like. 2. 甲方按本协议结算条款之运、杂费费率规定偿付运费及其他相应费用,对于运费到付货物的运费,甲方作为其次偿付人,在收货方任何缘由拒付运费情形下履行运费偿付的责任。 Party A should, in accordence to the regulation of transportation fee and other expense rate in settlement clause hereof, make payment of transportation fee and other fee, and as joint payer, in any circumstances when and if consignee refuse to pay transportation fee, fulfil the performance of the same. 三、乙方责任:Party B’s duty and responsibility 1. 乙方应严格遵照国际运输操作流程执行。 Party B should implement strictly conform to the procedure of international transportation. 2. 乙方应尽力保证甲方托付之运输在规定时间内完成。 Party B should do his endeavor to fulfill the transportation consigned by party A within period. 3. 乙方保证所从事相关活动不超出本协议规定之代理范围,并保证自觉维护客户之利益,不得以任何不正值之理由损害甲方利益。 Party B promise that its undertaken activities shall not exces



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