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国际贸易销售合同(中英文) 编号:_____________ 国际贸易买卖合同 Sales Contract 甲方〔Seller〕:________________________________________________ 乙方〔Buyer〕:___________________________ 签订日期〔Date〕:_______年______月______日 签约地(Signed at):________________ 日期(Date):__________________ 卖方(Seller):________________ 地址(Adress):_______________ (Tel) :________________ 传真(Fax):______________ 电子(E-mail):_____________ 买方(Buyer):_______________ 地址(Adress):_________________ (Tel) :________________ 传真(Fax):______________ 电子(E-mail):_____________ This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under the mentioned commodity according the terms and conditions stipulated below: 买卖双方就以下条款达成协议: 1、COMMODITY商品 备注:数量允许有5%的短溢装。 2、Commodity Technical Standard 产品技术标准 3、COUNTRY AND MANUFACTURES: Zhejiang Futurestitch Sports Co. Ltd 原产国和制造商: 针永体育用品 4、PACKING: To be packed in standard shipping packing. The Sellers shall be liable for any damage of the commodity and expenses incurred on account of improper packing and for any rust attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the sellers in regard of the package. 包装:标准海运包装。假如由于不适当的包装而导致的货物损坏和由此产生的费用,卖方 应对此负完全的责任。 5、SHIPPING MARK:The Sellers shall mark on each package with the receipt address, carton No, weight, size and UPC etc. 唛头:卖方用贴纸在每个箱子外面打印上到货地址、箱号、重量、尺寸和UPC 6、Time of Shipment: within days after receipt of advance payment (T/T). 装运期限:收到电汇预付款天装运。 7、Time of Delivery: Date until the effective date of contract within days. 交货期:自合同生效之日起天。 8、Port of Shipment〔装运港〕: 9、Port of Destination (目的港): 10、Insurance(保险): To be effected by the seller for 110% of the CIF invoice value covering all risk insurance, to be effected by the Buyer of FOB, CFR and additional insurance. 保险:采纳CIF到岸价,各种保险由卖方担当,假如采纳FOB离岸价,或本钱加运输,或其它新增险种,保险费由买方担当。 11、付款条件(Terms of Payment): Within days after the contract signed, the Buyer shall do the advance payment xx %, and the 2nd term payment is xx% before shipment, an


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