国际销售代理协议书 中英文.docx

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国际销售代理协议书 中英文 国际销售代理协议书 International Agential proposal Agreement 甲方:XXXX 地址 乙方:XXXX 地址 经双方公平、自愿协商,达本钱销售代理协议,共同遵守。 Based on equality and mutual negotiations, both partners agree on this sales agential agreement. 第一条代理内容 1. The Contents of Agency 同意将以下产品瑞典CINIA TECH 1-2 CINIA TECH TRADING、代理人共同与用户签订销售合同 1-2 CINIA TECH TRADING and the agent sign sales contract simultaneously. 1-3 CINIA TECH TRADING挺直于用户签订销售合同 1-3 CINIA TECH TRADING signs the sales contract directly with the customer. 以上三种型式在详细工程工程中由CINIA TECH TRADING、代理人双方共同协商打算。 The selection of which means is decided by the negotiation of both partners according the concrete project. 其次条代理人的职责、CINIA TECH TRADINGTECH公司的职责 2. Responsibilities and duties of the agent and CINIA TECH TRADING 2-1代理人职责: 2-1 The agent responsibilities and duties: 2-1-1. 非经CINIA TECH TRADING 公司的同意,代理人不得经“地区〞之外的地方征求定货。如代理商在地区外销售,应事先通知CINIA TECH TRADING 公司,得到答应方能进展销售。 2-1-1. Without the approval of CINIA TECH TRADING, the agent shall not place any order to any customer who is outside of the appointed region. CINIA TECH TRADING must be informed of any sales outside of the appointed region in advance and approval must be granted by CINIA TECH TRADING. 2-1-2.代理人无权代表CINIA TECH TRADING公司签订任何具有约束的合约。 2-1-2. The agent has no right to represent CINIA TECH TRADING signing any form of contract that has stipulation. 2-1-3.代理人应把CINIA TECH TRADING公司规定的销售条款对用户说明。 2-1-3. The agent should explain CINIA TECH TRADING’s sales policy t o the customer. 2-1-4.代理人自行负责开拓市场与进展用户时,在代理业务中保证向用户供应良好的效劳,不得以欺诈、胁迫等不正值手段损害客户及制造商的利益及CINIA TECH TRADINGTECH公司的声誉。 2-1-4. The agent expands and develops the market on his own responsibility. During the marketing process, the agent shall provide satisfactory service to the customer. Any mean of cheating and/or coercing, which damages the benefit and/or reputation of the customer or of CINIA TECH TRADING is strictly prohibited. 2-1-5.代理人保证其全部经营活动完全符合中国有关法律、法规、行政规章等的规定。如因代理人违背上述规定的行为给CINIA TECH TRADING公司带来任何损害,代理人应担当


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