新外研版高中英语必修3夯基:Unit3 The world of science Using language 课件.ppt

新外研版高中英语必修3夯基:Unit3 The world of science Using language 课件.ppt

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Unit 3 The world of science Using language 语法精讲·深化学习 现在完成时的被动语态 【情境探究】   根据课文内容, 用所给词完成下列句子, 并把句子翻译成汉语, 体会句中使 用的时态和语态。 1. This evening, I’ll be talking to Dr Richard Fairhurst, whose new book The New Age of Invention ___just _____________(publish). ? _________________________________________________________________ _______________ has been published 今天晚上, 我会对理查德·费尔赫斯特博士进行访谈, 他的新书《发明的新时 代》刚刚出版。 2. I guess you ______________(ask) about the title of your book before. ? _____________________________________________ 3. In addition, important advances ______________(make) in medicine and environmental science thanks to increasing computer power. ? ___________________________________________________________ 4. New inventions like 3D printers _____________(use) to make replacement hearts and bone parts. ? _____________________________________________________________ have been asked 我想你以前已经被问过关于你的书的书名的问题。 have been made 此外, 由于计算机能力的提高, 医学和环境科学也取得了重要进展。 像3D打印机这样的新发明已经被用来制造心脏和骨骼部分的替代物。 have been used 5. I _____also ________(tell) that you’re an inventor yourself. ? _________________________________ 6. Nothing like this ________________(invent) yet and I’d say we’re a long way from an invention like that at the moment!? ____________________________________________________________________ _____ have been told 我也被告知你本人就是一位发明家。 has been invented 还没有像这样的东西被发明, 而且我得说目前我们离这样的发明还有很长一段 路。 【要义详析】   现在完成时的被动语态强调过去的动作对现在造成的影响或结果, 但主语为动作的承受者, 表示“……已经被……”。 一、构成 肯定式 主语+have/has been done. . . 否定式 主语+have/has not been done. . . 一般疑问式 Have/Has+主语+been done. . . ? 特殊疑问式 疑问词+have/has+主语+been done. . . ? *The important problem has been discussed for nearly two weeks. 这个重要问题已经讨论了将近两周。 *The ink has not been removed from the clothes. 衣服上的墨水还没去掉。 *Haven’t you been informed of the date of the interview? 还没有告诉你面试日期吗? *How many buildings have been built in your school? 你们学校已经盖了多少栋楼? 【即学活用】 (1)Already this year, 115 measles cases _________________in the USA, compared with 189 for



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