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Dogshahahaha. K160小组(xiǎozǔ) 第一页,共7页。I like dogs very much,They are very cute and funny,And the most important is that they are honest to their owners,So we human beings usually call them our best friends. Dogs are used by us humans in many different ways,Some people especially the olds and the singles keep dogs as pets,Then they can have a companion and no longer feel lonely,And another group of people keep dogs to make money,They may be dog-sellers or vets,They make a living by selling or caring dogs,And some people are dog-trainers,They train dogs to help people in their daily life,One kind of the dogs are trained for the blind people,These dogs can help the blind people walk safely in the streets. Then one more special group of people keep dogs to help do their work,Yes, they are policemen!Their dogs are so brave that they can fight with the bad people and protect the citizens and their properties. Dogs are so great,They are really our friends,They help us do our job and keep us companied and make us feel no longer lonely and even protect us. We should treat them well and make a good space for them to live.第二页,共7页。警犬(jǐngquǎn)导盲犬救护(jiùhù)犬DOGS ARE OUR BEST FRIENDS第三页,共7页。狗狗当中(dāngzhōng)的名人脸@--@打这些照片只是为了好玩,没有其他(qítā)的意思喔第四页,共7页。以下是关于狗狗的感人电影– 《柴犬奇迹物语》 《人狗奇缘》 《忠犬八公的故事》 《南极(nánjí)大冒险》 《雪地黄金犬》 《十个约定》 《马利和我》 《导盲犬小Q》 《大丹麦狗马默杜克》 大家(dàjiā)有时间的话可以去看一下第五页,共7页。文字就先告一段落了,谢谢(xiè xie)大家yoohu……The text is to come to an endCome and see videoThank you By yinghyying第六页,共7页。内容(nèiróng)总结Dogshahahaha.。文字就先告一段落了,谢谢(xiè xie)大家yoohu。Come and see video。Thank you第七页,共7页。词语:名人 拼音:míngrén 解释:著名的人物。《吕氏春秋·劝学》:“不疾学而能为天下魁士名人者,未之尝有也。”高诱注:“名德之人。”唐罗隐《酬寄右司李员外》诗:“左省望高推健笔,右曹官重得名人。”明方孝孺《赠瑄蕴中序》:“去人羣,远世胶,不获从名人胜流,讲説咨叩,以广其业。”丁玲《韦护》第一章二:“他又不忘了说一些名人轶事,有趣的,或是恋爱的。”有名籍的人。宋苏辙《论差役五事状》:“先帝知之,故剏立免役法,拘收坊场,官自出卖,以免役钱顾投名人,以坊场钱为重难酬奬。” 词语:丹麦 拼音:dān mài 解释:北欧国家。在波罗的海出北海处,包括日德兰半岛大部及西兰等岛屿。面积4.31万平方千米。人口520万(1994年)。首都哥本哈根。地势低平。温带海洋性气候。经济发达。猪肉和乳制品出口居世界前列。渔业也较重要。造船业驰名世界。


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