高中英语_Click for a friend教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

高中英语_Click for a friend教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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教学设计 Period 1 : Pre-reading Lead in Ask students to read the three pictures on the top and answer the questions from the teacher. 目的:通过历史上人们的交流通信方式引入本课的话题。 2. Read and translate the sentences. 1. Thanks to the advances in technology, we are free from the waiting when our letters are delivered. 2. We lost track of our old friends after we moved out of our familiar city. 3. I prefer adventures in the forest to chatting online. 4. Social media help us maintain our friendship, so it has changed our life significantly. 5. We are living in a digital age, so we need to protect our personal information. 6. The website enables us to shop without going out. 7. Newly updated news tends to be at the top of the web page. 8. He acquired freedom after being proven misunderstood. 9. Although the movie is black and white, it is inspiring. 10. If you have a wifi connection, you may acquire the detailed information of the goods by clicking the pictures of them. 目的:这个小活动的设计意图是为了给学生的阅读扫清词汇上的障碍,句子的内容都和交友网络有关,这样做是为了让学生读的时候有心理预设。说远了,这么做其实还对后面的输出活动做了铺垫。 Period 2: While-reading Step 1: Fast reading What is the passage mainly about? the importance of making friends online B. the benefits of making friends online. the changes of making friends online D. the benefits and problems of making friends online. 2. Match the main idea with each paragraph. Para 1 A. Fashionable means of communication nowadays and their convenience. Para 2 B. We should take a right attitude towards online friendship. Para 3 C . Possible dangers of online friendship. Para 4-7 D. Getting connected in the past. Para 8 E . The digital age makes it easier for us to find friends who share our interests. Step 2: Careful reading Have a discussion about the words “nowadays” and “also”. “Nowadays”suggests that _________________________________________________ “Also”suggest that ______________________________________________________ Prediction. The author will talk about _____________________________



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