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Setting (time / place) Time: spring Place: Superior National Forest in northern Minnesota Characters I, Steve, forester Plot Steve asked me to go on a spring fishing trip. Problem Our tent was on fire. Ending ? * 信息整理: 体裁:记叙文 时态:一般过去时 原文核心信息解读:“我”和表哥去森林里露营,夜里下起了雪,天很冷,表哥生起了篝火,“我们”在温暖中入睡了。睡着后,帐篷起火了,“我们”匆忙逃了出来,但帐篷烧毁了…… * Step 4 Make predictions * 可用于续写的已知信息: 划线词 Character Steve, forester Setting clothes, supplies, campsite, forest, fire Action found, endangering Mood frightened 段首句 Para. 1: Later, as we stood by the burning tent to keep warm, we considered our difficult situation. (续写部分可详细描写具体困境,比如衣服等物品烧毁,在森林中远离人烟,无法求助等。) Para. 2: Suddenly, we heard a noise in the forest. (续写部分可写声音的来源,发出声音者可以是提供救助的人。) * 写作思路: “我们”在荒芜人烟的森林深处,孤立无援,随身物品也都随着帐篷一起烧毁了,正当不知道该怎么办的时候,林中传来了声响,发现是护林人开着车过来了。原来护林人看到了火光,过来一探究竟,结果“我们”得救了。 构思的理由: 文章中出现过forester (护林人),这是极其有用的信息,另外根据常识可知,护林人最重要的工作之一就是侦查火情,所以森林中有火情的话,护林人一定会一探究竟。 * One possible version: Paragraph 1: Later, as we stood by the burning tent to keep warm, we considered our difficult situation. Our campsite was in the deep of the forest, really far away from the highway. We were in the middle of nowhere, wearing only underwear, with our supplies burnt into ashes, including our cellphones. Even Steve was unsure what to do next. The only thing we could do was just sit in the cold air and wonder how to get out of the forest. * Paragraph 2: Suddenly, we heard a noise in the forest. Anxiously we listened and stared into the darkness. A jeep appeared. A forester had spotted the light from the fire and had come to have a check. We jumped into the warm vehicle and the forester drove us to the ranger station, where we were given clothes and were able to call our parents. Steve and I had many more camping adventures from then on, but it was on this trip that Steve began to treat me more like a friend rather than a younger cousin. Our friendship continues to this day. * 2 读后续写的高分攻略 评 分 标 准 第五档:21分-25分 第四档:16分-20分 第三档:11分


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