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摘 要
步进电机是一种纯粹的数字控制电机, 是将电脉冲信号转变为角位移或线位移的
本文应用单片机 AT89C51和脉冲分配器 PMM8713,步进电机驱动器,光电隔离器
4N25等,构建了步进电机控制器和驱动器为一体的步进电机控制系统。 通过 AT89C51
和脉冲分配器 PMM8713完成步进电机的各种运行控制方式,实现步进电机在 3 相 6
拍的工作方式下的正反转控制和加减速控制。并通过步进电机丝杠连动,带动 XY工
作台的直线运动,实现从起点 A 点到预定点 B 点的位移控制。
整个系统采用模块化设计, 结构简单, 可靠,通过人机交互换接口可实现各功能
设置,操作简单, 易于掌握。 该系统可应用于步进电机在机电一体化控制等大多数场
实践证明, 基于单片机控制的步进电机比传统的步进控制器具有更好的性能, 更
加简单、 方便、可靠。本设计的主要研究对象就是开环伺服系统中最常用的执行器件
关键词 : 步进电机 单片机 正反转控制 加减速控制 XY 工作台
Control of Stepping Motors
Stepper motor is a pure digital control motor, is the electric pulse signal
into angular displacement or linear displacement of the open-loop control
In this paper, SCM AT89C51 and pulse distributor PMM8713, stepper motor
drives, optical isolator 4N25 so constructed stepper motor controller and
driver as one of the stepping motor control system. AT89C51 and pulse
distributor PMM8713 through the completion of the various stepper motor
control methods, to achieve 3-phase stepper motor 6 shooting in the way of
working and processing under the control Reversible deceleration control.
Screw by stepper motor linked to drive XYtable linear motion, from a starting
point A to point B booking point displacement control.
The system adopts modular design, simple structure, reliable interface for
human-computer interaction through the realization of the feature set, simple,
easy to master. The system can be applied to stepping motor control in
mechatronics most occasions.